If you missed the late-August Conference of IANDS in Arizona, you missed the largest and the best conference IANDS ever had. Plus, the surroundings were just unbelievably gorgeous. Right around 7,000 people showed up, with many more viewing online. Speakers were the best, even though during my talk all charts and extras simply disappeared or wouldn’t work right. I had switched the topic from ALIENS AND THE NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE to saluting the work of Dr. Kenneth Ring. Without him scientifically proving what Raymond Moody did in LIFE AFTER LIFE, there never would have been an IANDS or research on near-death experiences. He was also one of the founders of IANDS and the one who discovered me and what I was doing in the early ‘80s. His early study of aliens in THE OMEGA PROJECT is more than important and stands as the basis of how we approach that topic today. Ken is dying. All of us congratulate him on his work all these years. We love you, Ken. Many thanks, Always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next year, 2025, our conference will be in Chicago. Plan now. I hope to be a speaker there. My last. I will present ALIENS AND THE NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE at that time, my last research project. I will be 88 then. Time to resign and disappear. I began my research in 1978. Enough! See you then.
Aletta in Portugal shares what happened to her.
One morning, as I started off with my walk, I was completely and utterly filled with such gratitude, that my entire being was vibrating at a very high level. I was aware of this even though I had no knowledge of what was happening. I knew that I was vibrating at such a high level that anything in life was possible - I felt that I was connected with God so closely, like never before in my life.
As I walked down the usual path which I took every morning, all along a row of small houses, the road leads down to the village. I would walk down to the bottom and then back up and back to the apartment.
As I walked, my eye caught sight of a most beautiful tree in front yard of a small house, and the next second, without any warning, I was there where the tree was and now, instead of looking at the tree, I was looking from the tree to the direction of where I was walking.
I realized that I was the tree.
I was immediately in a state of absolute peace - I was not shocked at all. I knew that I had always been in this peaceful state, and as my attention went from grass to sand to pebbles, I was all of that also - I was everything that I saw - then I became aware of the most wonderful living sparks all round me and became aware that they came through me and that I also was part of them. They are so alive and full of light, they constantly move and give off the most beautiful golden light sparks and there is not a place where they are not. They are everywhere and alive, constantly moving and sparking - and then I felt the love - it was everywhere, in and through me and I was also that love - I was everything that I saw and felt. I knew that I was always in that state of love, peace, wonderment. I was not aware of any time. It seemed as if there was this silence which was alive. There was no feeling of having to rush - I was in complete indescribable peace - I don’t know how long I remained in that wonderment. It felt like an hour, or days, or whatever period, there was no concept of time, so I cannot measure to say how long I was there - then my attention was moving outward a bit and about a block away from where I was, I saw a woman crossing the street. Instantly I zoomed to where she was and I was feeling as if I was inside her - as if I was her - I knew her distress and hopelessness. I felt so much compassion for her - and communicated to her. PLEASE! Don’t be so sad! EVERYTHING is perfect! Look and see and be free! But she continued walking without appearing to hear me. As she disappeared behind the building, I found myself back in my body on the sidewalk, busy walking - as if nothing unusual happened! Just walking as usual!
I cannot explain how I felt - I was aware that I had just been tremendously privileged to something so great, that I had no words to even explain to myself where I was or what happened. I just kept walking. I tried to remember if I made the walk down to the village, but could not remember. All I knew is that I had just been to a place of incredible wonder! Because I could not even begin to understand what had just happened, I quickly moved it to the back of my mind, knowing that I would have to work through it slowly, bit by bit, because it was too much to understand and unravel at that moment. I think I would go completely mad if I tried to work it out just then.
About a week later, I felt it was time to tell my sister about this. I needed help to understand what had happened. She believed me without hesitation as we know each other well and respect each other, both us believing in God and living our lives without abuse or any substances. We don’t indulge in alcohol or such, and respect our bodies and our fellow humans. So I don’t go around telling everyone about this, as I am acutely aware that this is not just an experience to be treated lightly. To me it is a holy experience.
For a period of about three days after the experience, I would see people alongside the road as we traveled to go shopping, and I would immediately zoom into them, and know their state of being, and had so much compassion for them - everyone seemed to be in a state of hopelessness, not knowing of the abundance of love and peace which is available! This kept on happening everywhere I saw people. After about those three days, this wonderful ability became less powerful and it finally faded away.
Then my search started for: HOW DO I GET BACK ‘THERE’? I have such a hunger to get back into that most fantastic ‘place,’ ‘realm,’ ‘dimension,’ whatever label we can put to it. I WANT TO GO BACK THERE! I want to experience again that LOVE and PEACE! I just want to be there forever! How did this happen? How can I repeat this at will?
I believe my gratitude and how it elevated my vibration, had much to do with this. When I told my younger sister about this, she sent me a video of an NDE. (She lives in South Africa.)
That was my introduction of NDE’s. I immediately felt that if I watch these NDEs I may find an answer to what I experienced.
Indeed, after 4 years of watching hundreds of NDE’s, I came across one where the man told me how he left this body, in an emergency landing. He was an aircraft engineer, and as he was inside the airplane and outside at the same time, he became everything that he saw!!! I was in tears and shaking, because finally found another human being who experienced something similar! I must have watched that video about 20 times. I wrote to him, but unfortunately he was quite on in years already, as his experience was as a young man, and he could not tell me much.
I have tried to meditate myself back there - no success. I am reading what I can and watching videos pertaining to it. When I saw your video, I felt that you may have something to help me understand more. Thanking you in advance.”...Aletta
My reply
Thank you for your story. Yes, it sounds like a near-death experience, actually more of a near-death-like-experience, because you were not near any kind of death or distress or danger at the time.
There are various titles for what you went through. Some would call it a spiritual transformation, which indeed it was, and this sort of thing is most often called an STE - Spirituality Transformative Experience. The one who speaks the most about STEs is Dr. Yvonne Kason, who “invented” the term. She has written several books that may be helpful to you: FARTHER SHORES: EXPLORING HOW NEAR-DEATH, KUNDALINI, AND MYSTICAL EXPERIENCES CAN TRANSFORM ORDINARY LIVES and A FARTHER SHORE: HOW NEAR-DEATH AND OTHER EXTRAORDINARY EXPERIENCES CAN CHANGE ORDINARY LIVES. She also runs, along with others, the zoom show entitled Spiritually Transformative Experiences. It used to be free but now they ask for donations for each program. Do explore Dr. Kason’s work. She is an excellent speaker, a medical doctor who had a near-death experience that changed her life.
I have written many other books, all research based. You can find them all mentioned on my website at www.pmhatwater.com. Go to Books. You may also want to receive my free monthly newsletter, “For The Curious.” Sign up on my website. My newest book, an autobiography, may speak to you. It is called EDGE WALKER: THE MANY LIVES AND DEATHS OF PMH ATWATER. You can get any of these on Amazon.
Please know what you experienced truly is a spiritual experience, a near-death-like experience, or whatever you want to call it. Mostly, it is an opportunity for you to realize you are more than what you seem to be, a co-creative partner with the Creator. The greater reality has opened up for you and you will never be the same again. I can say that because that sort of thing happened to me when I died in 1977. You sound wonderful, fully you and I welcome you to the whole family of us. Join IANDS at www.iands.org, or any other spiritual group. Blessings always, PMH
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