Saturday, November 14, 2020

Child Near-Death Experiencer Exploring Greater Realities


“I was listening to Coast to Coast AM as I do when I drive at night for our business, and was quite interested in what you were talking about on 10/2.  I was told that I ALMOST died when I was an infant, and now I question if I did, in fact, die.  One of my brothers found me in my crib and I was turning bluish, was cold to the touch, and not breathing.  The family physician was called and he came and did something, and then told my parents that I ‘passed a crisis.’  My life has been very strange as I was always sensitive to the spiritual and as a teenager I began to use the Tarot.  I was raised Catholic, but walked away from it at 21, and walked away from anything spiritual soon after.  Nineteen years ago I became a born-again believer after some very strange incidents, and I heard the voice of God.  Now I have always believed in God, even after leaving the church, but I heard His Voice clear as day.   When I was growing up, there was presence that I saw on quite a number of occasions, a figure in a long coat with a bolero style hat, but only at that address.  Interestingly I have never feared death, pain yes, death no, and never feared this entity - although I feel it is a dark, perhaps demonic, one.  My life has been a roller-coaster, and at 58, I am now looking for answers that my faith cannot provide.  I guess modern Pastors are not trained in this sort of thing.  This, of course, is only a brief summary.  I can share more later but I just wanted your feedback.  Thank you for any time you can spare.”.....Gene


You have many of the markers for a child experiencer of a near-death state.  Please read The Forever Angels:  Near-Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact.

Little ones as they mature, as you heard on the radio show, are often mixed up and do not integrate such an episode as an adult would.  Typically, they take 20 to 40 years to integrate; some 50 years.  Children compensate, not integrate.  Go to my website at  On the Home Page is a section called NDE AFTEREFFECTS.  Go there and read what is typical for anyone at any age who experienced the phenomenon.  Other good books for you:  A Manual for Developing Humans; Dying to Know You:  Proof of God in the Near-Death Experience, and Future Memory.  There are others.  What also may help you is to attend a metaphysical church.  The two best are Unity Churches (they’re all over the world), and Centers for Spiritual Living (formerly the Church of Religious Science, based on the writings of Ernest Holmes).  In both types there are classes, opportunities to learn and grow as a spiritual being. . . who is now aware of the greater reality.  Prayer and meditation are the main tools anyone can use to “open up” and explore greater realities and grander truths.  The Centers of Spiritual Living produces a wonderful digest-sized magazine:  “Daily Guides for Spiritual Living.”

Give these avenues a try and see how it feels to you.  Prayer and meditation are central to a spiritual life.  Denominations do not matter.  I hope this is helpful to you.  PMH

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