*** The next IANDS Conference will be August 27-31, 2025, in Chicago,
Illinois. At this conference, I will resign as a researcher of near-death
states. I have worked in this capacity since 1978 and produced 21
books, either part of my research or related to it. The final research
Bob’s near-death experience and how it affected his life is very long. For that reason, only part of his story is being presented here.
“Yes, I believe I have had the NDE experience. I suspect when I stuck that nail in the power socket as a baby, it had some minor impact, but because I was so young it would have been a foundational change.
“When I remembered where I went when I tried to take myself out, it was very clear. I was in open space inside a clear container a little bigger than a coffin. It was faceted, the sides and top being angled. It looked like a crystal but it shimmered a bit like it was made of energy. I could not move and felt like something had gently stopped me from going any further. I could not see it but could feel the Earth behind me. I felt very content, no boredom and felt comfortable and a sense of joy understanding I was not allowed to leave yet. It was gentle, compassionate, and stern.
“That voice you mentioned, I am familiar with, usually my dreams are not verbal. There’s just a sense of knowing. The voice intervenes when I have to really pay attention. Even the voice did not communicate with me. But knowing was different. It was without the voice but had the urgency. I can try to take myself out again if I wanted to, I would survive any following attempts but my physical body - this time would not come out of the attempt without serious and permanent damage. I have come to learn that I have to stay here, one way or another.
“Around puberty the nature of my dreams changed. It was the first time I could notice my abilities in my dreams had been restricted. I could not fly, prior to that flying was like breathing. I had to start by using mechanical aids. I had a pack, instead of a jet. It had a propeller like a helicopter, borrowed the idea from inspector gadget. When I finally got flying without any external aids, I next wanted to leave the atmosphere, but the weather would get too strong, clouds and winds not letting me leave the atmosphere.
“I had learned to go from one dream to another using doorways, then in one of my dreams which reoccurred for a week, I learned I could move from dreams if there was an archway. In time I could not find doors or arches. I was contained in the current dream. I was flying through a canyon pretty quickly, blue skies, tasty air, and beautiful scenery. It was then I saw a crevasse in the canyon wall. I said to myself that looks like a door, and I shot at full speed straight into it. I was in a void of absolute darkness, no fear, just awe. Back then I did have a question and in that void, that powerl echoed in my being “you are not supposed to be here yet.” I knew I had pushed my luck but I still carried my question. I got an answer: ‘There is only one. There has always been only one. And there will always be one.’
“My dreams were cut off for the first time, for around six weeks. When I was a kid I always knew what I could get away with, and at times even when I knew better and wanted to stop myself from slight mischief, a voice would tell me you are a kid and supposed to do this. It will be ok. I knew I had tried to skip class in my dreams. Now I realize I had not finished learning how to go through walls properly. In an earlier dream I was outside a beautiful red brick building. It was a school. I had other kids I was playing with. There was a window and something was going on. I went to investigate. I did not want to step on the plants, so I leaned in towards the wall, using my hands to stop my momentum, instead of stopping, I went through the wall. There was a new electric sensation when I went through that wall.
“When my dreams started again, I was in an intense lucidity. There are different types of lucid awareness. This was one which I could not get out of easily. I was in a white room, it was a cube. I was floating in the middle of the room in a yogic position. I suddenly zoomed out of my dream body and see myself in the middle of a hive-like structure, with other cubes surrounding the one I was in. I was disappointed, such level of lucidity, and I was trapped. I decided to try and go through a wall. I was too uncomfortable to go through head on, so I floated backwards. I closed my eyes and I felt that electric sensation and figured that was one, and when I opened my eyes, I had left the atmosphere as I wanted to for a long time. I saw the most amazing heavenly bodies and colors. It is one of the most beautiful things I have experienced. I learned from that dream, as long as I figure out how to navigate one obstacle, similar future obstacles are much simpler, doing without effort.
“Around age six I had my first experience with lessons. I was in the same void as the one in the cliff. I was sitting/floating with crossed knees, a hand from my left side brings a sphere the size of a basketball and places it in front of me and tells me that is the universe. The sphere was dynamic and had a lot of movement and mist-like energy swirling on the outer perimeter.
“That same source has used that space to show me wondrous things I could not hope to understand back. I would feel the beauty and after more comprehension. I am more comfortable with nonlinear experiences and have become aware of many retrocausality. By recapitulating, I have learned to travel in the ‘past’ and change my perspective, mostly seeing my role and by changing my view in the past, it creates a cascade of changes in my understanding.
“When I hear people tell me they are disconnected from spirit/source and they cannot connect, having experienced it myself, today I see it as a baby learning about object permanence. When that connection is gone for the moment, we are not sure what we did wrong. When nothing is wrong, it is just the process.
“I have had two nightmares in my life. One was my teeth were loose. The other was when I heard my father had died. I woke up in bed. There was a friend of the family sitting there. She told me my father had passed. It terrified me and I faded out, and then woke up again, in the same bed with the person in the chair. I told her I had a nightmare, that my father had passed, then she told me it was not a nightmare. He had actually passed. I woke up for real this time in my bed, sitting up and realizing I had my first dream in a dream which was so obvious. It has a different nature than going from one dreamscape to another.
“I am not dualistic. I have experienced emptiness and know there is no ‘self.’ I operate on three primary principles, choose love over fear, learn to receive instead of take. Everything that exists has a right to exist. I proactively seek for any of my subtle beliefs and experimenting with dropping all beliefs. I spent eighteen months with top of mind intention of seeking beauty. I do not mean as in arts and nature, but to find the beauty in everything, in everyone. To side step the flaws and encourage the strength and beauty, to create a safe space for the individual to share with me their best. Now I am working on going beyond belief. To observe without believing or disbelieving, without any need to interject, but ready and willing to help when asked.
“The NDE experience, the changes it avails. I am aware of some. You have provided more to look at and higher resolution to what I could perceive. I have asked many healers, what comes after healing. They cannot answer me properly. It would be growth, but it is so hard for them to see past what they perceive as a loss or burden. If it is a loss, get a new one. If it is a burden, let it go, as you would the skin of a fruit.
“I have applied the same question to what you refer to as NDE, and I have been using second attention from the Castaneda books. So what do we do with this gift, with this ability to stretch a little deeper into the veil, into the unknown? That comes from not fearing it, like touching a liquid mirror and the fingertips going through the mirror. First, instinct is to retrieve our hand, then curiosity might be stronger than fear and we put out hand, then arm, and finally walk through the mirror.
“There isn’t a single experience I wanted which I have not experienced, even without my own child I have helped raise children. I spent six years lucid dreaming the great majority of nights. I made planets, explored. I found out anything I wrote, I could dream. I got tired of it, it was too much control, it got boring. From very young, I would just visualize what I thought should happen and then not give up until I found it. Transitioning from a seeker to a finder. It was so strange when I started to play pool. Not only I could see where my shots would lay the balls, I could see several moves including what the other player was going to play. It was founded on probability and pattern recognition, nothing supernatural. At the time I mistook it for the capacity of our thoughts influencing matter, wondering if it was premonition or manifestation. The principle of influencing matter is sound but not how I was looking at it. What I was experiencing was developing new eyes to see through. We influence matter by moving objects. The premonition/manifestation is similar to bees and flowers being a single organism, one synergistically supports the other, interdependence. What we are capable of is seeing layers of probabilities in possible outcomes and locking our intention onto that outcome, then letting it go.
“I went into a 13 year addiction. I did it in secrecy, not to party, to cope. I did not steal, the stimulant made me earn much more than what I spent it on. I had my own business and was so proud I could be an addict and function. My addiction ended abruptly after my suicide attempt in 2010 and going into a good treatment center. Today I know I faced my biggest fear so I could learn I can survive it, and much much more if I get strong enough to endure a hard life instead of praying for an easy life.
“I believe we can use the NDE as a baseline for a particular energetic state, to recognize in different amplitudes the same nature, to quiet our mind to hear the subtle expression of the same energy. Then we learn to induce that state and direct it towards what we need to know, and consume it all without comprehension, like planting a seed. With nurture it will develop roots of innerstanding. To what avail is it all that can be of most worth, I have asked myself many times. All I can think of is beauty, a herald of love and compassion. What other reason could beauty exist if not for love?
“I imagine the most perfect painting, aesthetically, symbolically, in every way, hidden inside a vault. There is no inherent value for a painting locked away. The more people see the painting, the more they talk about it, the more true value that painting will generate, to induce awe and express beauty. This life is a work of art. We are here as the witnesses, appreciating its pleasures and appreciating its value. We are all so lucky.”...Bob
Child near-death experiencers under the age of five are very different from any other age of NDEr. Remember that. Refer to my book, THE FOREVER ANGELS. Thank you.
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