Monday, January 06, 2025

Departing This World Feet First


The 2025 conference of the International Association for Near-Death Studies will be August 27-31 in Chicago, Illinois.  More information given next month.  Should you need details now, visit:

This conference will be huge, because it is the 50th Anniversary of the organization.  I first joined three months after it began, so you know how long ago that was.  

Not only will I be talking about my latest book, ALIENS AND THE NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE, but I will be announcing my retirement

as a researcher of near-death states.  Been doing that since 1978. I began my work at the Chicago airport when I met Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.  She listened to my story, then told me about NDEs.  I had never heard anything about the phenomenon at the time.  Elisabeth became my mentor.  As they say, “the rest is history.”


This story comes from Ken.  His words:  “I call what happened to me - Departing This World Feet First.”

“On December 10, 2012, I started to  have severe lower back pain.  My Sister-in-law suggested I take some Generic Alive which she gave to me.  It took some of the pain away but did not remedy the problem.  My pain got worse and on December 12 it got so bad she had to call the ambulance for me.  They took me to a nearby hospital and I was told it was only severe arthritis.  After hearing that news I told them to take me home because I was caring 24/7 for my wife who had CBD Corticobasal Degeneration.  (It is in the Parkinson Family).

“Upon arriving home I went through the garage and into my kitchen area and started to vomit huge amounts of blood.  I could not stop vomiting it and my my Sister-in-law called 911 again.  They took me to a hospital 20 miles from home where a team of doctors were waiting.  I vomited blood all the way in the ambulance.  They took me into the Surgery area where the doctors were standing.  I fell off the gurney onto the floor still vomiting blood.  I asked a doctor to call my wife so I could say goodbye to her.  My sister-in-law answered the phone and I told her put my wife on the phone because I was dying and I wanted to say good by.  She abruptly said (Your not dying and hung up the phone).  I said “Dam it!” and laid back on the floor and that is when some technicians pulled me off the floor and onto a table and placed a mask over my mouth.  I felt a tube going into my throat area and nothing after that.  (I was in a induced coma.)

“This is when my whole body and mind were moving at a high rate of speed and out at a 45-degree angle (feet first).  I could see bright lights on each side of my body like a rocket propelled and then my body slowed completely in the dark area of the universe.  It was very peaceful and I could see the beautiful clouds beneath me.  It felt as though I was laying on the clouds or a bed of cotton.  At that moment white shapes appeared on both sides of me.  I couldn’t make out who they were or what they were but it was so peaceful.  I felt completely relieved, it was a very nice strange feeling for me.

“The next thing I felt a nurse at my bedside calling my name and I woke up.  She said Mr. Truex I can’t believe you look so good.  We thought we lost you in the surgery area a couple of times.  I hate to tell you this but the Doctor wants to go in again and check your internal bleeding to make sure it is completely gone.  I told her I have no recollection of the first two surgeries so where is the paper to sign?  She also said we had to give you 5 and ½ units of blood.  That is how much you lost.  Prior to discharge on the 10th day I asked the doctor on a scale of 0 to 10, how close was I to dying?  He said you were definitely a 9 and going down very quickly, we thought we  lost you.  I told him I had an out-of-body experience I will never forget and told him about it.  He said:  ‘God does good things for good people.’  This concludes my experience.”....Ken

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