Friday, April 08, 2022

Why are we here?


“In one interview, when asked why some people have a near-death experience and others do not, you responded that those who need it have a near-death experience.  I find that very interesting and it makes me think.  Would you share your thoughts and insights on this?

“I have often wondered why I experienced the lights for as long as I can remember, why they were with me through my childhood, and why, after disappearing for decades, they fortunately reappeared a few years ago (I am now 56).  As an infant, I was in the hospital for some time.  There was no rooming-in in the 60s, plus I was in quarantine.  My only explanation is that God didn’t let me die alone in the hospital and from then on showed me love and compassion so that I could cope and find comfort.  Does this make sense to you?”....Gabriele


Well, as a researcher I must say “I don’t know.”  But as a fellow experiencer and one who has spoken to or contacted thousands of others, I admit what everyone told me somehow “fit” into their life pattern.  I base that on what they told me, what I could see about their aftereffects, families, life rhythms.  Then, if I allowed myself to look deeper, comparing what they said with what I could see and feel of their energy pattern, bingo!  I say bingo because I could see how things in their life “fit” what I could see of their soul.

Involve yourself with metaphysical mystical people, take some classes, even attend a Unity Church or Center of Spiritual Living (used to be called Science of Mind churches), you will see and hear people, classes, ideas, thoughts expressed that affirm the who and what of our existence.

In looking back over your own life, you are now beginning to see how things that didn’t fit are coming together.  There is a flow to each of our lives, choices that aid or hinder that flow.  This is how we learn, how we improve, how we expand.  We either go backward in our growth, sideways, stagnate, move ahead, or take giant leaps.  Once you get a feel for this, you’ll see it in yourself and others.  The Edgar Cayce groups are good for this:  their “Search for God” Study Groups are excellent for covering the basics of spiritual growth, finding out more about ourselves and how we can alter or change the track we’re on (growth pattern).  Go over to my website.  In The Marketplace are instructions about how to reach the A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment).  This group is the center for the Edgar Cayce Readings, and also a broad range of prayer and/or meditation, spiritual growth, etc.

It is never too late to begin your journey into the deeper aspects of yourself.  Once you see how incredibly wonderful you are and what a privilege you have to live the life you have (even if it’s crappy), life itself takes on a whole new meaning.  Try it.

You are a wonderful person here to mend, bridge, heal, test, rise, and enjoy the life you have.  Have fun exploring you and your life!  ~PMH
