Monday, June 10, 2024

Focusing on Black Light


IANDS big yearly conference is being held this time in Phoenix, AZ, August 28 through September 1.

The big conference will be held at the Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass.

Contact: CONFERENCE.IANDS.ORG. Pay now for Conference fees - it’s cheaper in June, and reserve rooms at the Sheraton, 5594 W., Wild Horse Pass Blvd., Phoenix, AZ 85226. We did.

Tell them about the conference and get your room at a cheaper rate.

My talk is on Saturday - “Aliens and the Near-Death Experience.” There will also be a panel about aliens and NDEs - a separate but related program. Yes, my book is done and at the publishers: ALIENS AND THE NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE. It will probably be out next year. May take a miracle for it to come out this year. Let’s pray for a miracle. I have a special deal for my book: EDGE WALKER: THE MANY LIVES AND DEATHS OF PMH ATWATER. Anyone in the United States who sends me a certified check for $20.00, I will mail them an autographed copy of the book. Mail check to PMH Atwater, P. O. Box 7691, Charlottesville, VA 22906-7691.


A woman wrote me and said, “Early 2019 I was walking with my Danish friends in the Himalayas to Tsum Valley.  I believe because I had had major stress at work, I think my system could not take the additional stress of the altitude, even though I had been to far higher altitude for longer periods of time, at around 3000m I almost died of altitude sickness with severe headaches.  I took both the homeopathic and the orthodox medicine for altitude sickness and went to bed, focusing on the Black Light, which to me looked more like ever so slightly grey velvet, because You had written that with the black light there was more Love.  I dreamt that I was falling out of the sky where usually the Dolphins are:  it was 50:50 if I would land on the ocean or smash on the land?  I woke up next morning and started my decent.  In hindsight I feel I really wanted to spend more time with my Danish friend, who had returned to Kathmandu for his breathing at the entrance to Tsum Valley.

“Not long after the Medicine Buddha appeared to me in a dream as a Lapislazuli blue CHRYSTall skull with sunglasses.  Diana Cooper writes that the Pleiadean Emmissaries of the Light appear blue.   Emissaries of the Light.  Working as a homeopath and GP=general practitioner=family doctor, it is brilliant to have the medicine Buddha for an ally.

“I also feel very connected to the Arcturians.   For my safe space in psychotherapy, I go to Arcturus.  Tom Kenyon writes in his Arctuian Anthology that they appear with horse faces sometimes.  Therefore I believe all horse head gods to be Arcturians, Demeter, Vishnu.

“I am curious about your new book.”.....Almut

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