Near-Death Experience between Conception and the Age of Five
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This blog exists to answer questions about near-death experiences, and to give experiencers an opportunity to share their accounts. I ask that such stories be somewhat brief. Long accounts should be sent directly to IANDS at Here’s an account from Sousan.
“I came across your work earlier this morning, and have been engrossed. I had an NDE as a young toddler, and am now 62. Grateful to have come across your work as it helps me understand more of why I have felt so different all my life. Have you found ways to support people with early childhood NDEs later in life? I still struggle at times with lack of joy and living on Earth. Although some would see me as highly successful (I have several degrees from Harvard), I have had a hard time finding a sense of belonging, safety, as well as healthy relationships, though I do love people. Also, have you come across people who have had NDE as well as experiences with ‘starbeings’ or beings not of Earth? I have had both. If there’s ever a chance to meet, I would appreciate it”....Sousan
Labels: Adolescent NDE, Near-Death Experience