Sunday, December 10, 2023

Near-Death Experience between Conception and the Age of Five


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This blog exists to answer questions about near-death experiences, and to give experiencers an opportunity to share their accounts.  I ask that such stories be somewhat brief.  Long accounts should be sent directly to IANDS at  Here’s an account from Sousan.

“I came across your work earlier this morning, and have been engrossed.  I had an NDE as a young toddler, and am now 62.  Grateful to have come across your work as it helps me understand more of why I have felt so different all my life.  Have you found ways to support people with early childhood NDEs later in life?  I still struggle at times with lack of joy and living on Earth.  Although some would see me as highly successful (I have several degrees from Harvard), I have had a hard time finding a sense of belonging, safety, as well as healthy relationships, though I do love people.  Also, have you come across people who have had NDE as well as experiences with ‘starbeings’ or beings not of Earth?  I have had both.  If there’s ever a chance to meet, I would appreciate it”....Sousan

Right now, get my book, THE FOREVER ANGELS:  NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES IN CHILDHOOD AND THEIR LIFELONG IMPACT.  Consider this a must.  Read it all.  Every word.  It’s your story.

Then read THE NEW CHILDREN AND NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES, especially the back section, which is designed to help parents and children deal in simple and positive ways with the differences such children now have.  

Don’t ever expect people who had a near-death experience between conception and the age of five to behave like other folk.  They don’t.  And they never will!

With 277 cases covered in THE NEW CHILDREN and 120 in this later one, most statistics mentioned in THE FOREVER ANGELS are based on the combined number of “very-young-children” (looking ahead) and “kids-now-adults” (looking back) - a total of 397 child experiencers who had near-death experiences at very young ages, including those who  remembered their conception.

This work is an eye-opener, with the majority clearly remembering their birth, one-third remembering life in their mother’s womb.  A few statistics:  average adult experiencers take 7 to 10 years to integrate their experience; average child experiencers, 20 to 40 years.  Most begin abstracting before the first grade, are smarter than teachers or parents, and display signs of synesthesia (multiple sensing).  They forever miss “HOME,” the greater collective they know is real.  Many feel lonely or are suicide prone - not in the sense of grief, but rather “homesickness.”

Typical characteristics afterward:  heightened senses, vivid imagination, intellectual curiosity and drive, psychic/intuitive, loneliness, higher IQ, deep capacity to care, great potential for an ethical path, aware of future moments, strongly independent even if shy, nonlinear development.

A young child will think differently than anyone else in the family.  Nine chances out of ten, the child will see right through parents, siblings, teachers, school kids.  

I could write a book about what I found, and I did. . . two of them.  Please read both, as they differ in approaches and expand on findings.  It is in THE FOREVER ANGELS that I tackle the unthinkable - PTSD vs. NDE.  With the-very-young-now-grown, 34% were positive about having an NDE, 61% were negative.  Why?  Because growing up and finding their place in life was just too difficult.  The older the experiencer the greater the desire to leave.  Few do, because it doesn’t feel right to, but, the desire is still there!  It’s all about “HOME.”  Guilt for wanting to go back.  Betrayal for getting kicked out.  Many never really knew or figured out what a human being is, or, how to be one. 


Not long ago, a man called me on the telephone, crying.  He was in his late 40’s, a New York City cop who had found the book THE FOREVER ANGELS and read it.  When two years old and very sick, he had a near-death experience.  Forever changed, he never fit anywhere he went afterward, even on the job.  Now he understood why.  He called just to let me know how grateful he was that I did the research I did and wrote the book.  

The very young are different from any other age group when looking at the aftereffects of near-death experiences.  Please keep that in mind.  ~PMH


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