Sunday, September 10, 2023

Multidimensional Beings

“I saw a video of you on Jeff Mara’s Podcast, and I would love to share with you and the world my near-death experience and my contact with multidimensional beings.  My near-death experience consists of stepping into the afterlife and seeing our family members on the other side.  Afterwards, I went to see the Council of Light and saw my Life Review - where I was shown the cycle of reincarnation and that I still had six more lives to complete the cycle of reincarnation.  I was shown in my life review the acts of kindness and compassion in my life and the ripple effect of all those loving actions with everyone I touched in my life.  I also became everyone and everything in the life review, from other people, to the rocks, trees, atoms, and everything.

“After my Life Review, I went to the Akashic Records where I saw that all knowledge of our lives and across the universe and multiverse is stored in this place.  Afterwards, I realized that there were dimensions as our soul groups and that all souls had the opportunity to ascend to the higher realms or dimensions as we ascend.  I was also shown by three Multidimensional Beings what comes after we finish the cycle of reincarnation.  After we finish the cycle of reincarnation, we get to graduate and go to other schools or universes.  I saw that in one of those universes or schools we could become Creators of planets, suns, galaxies, and universes, and that we could become them as well as we created them.

“They showed me another universe or school where we could become Akashic Records Keepers of the Multiverse and that we could have access to so much wisdom and information across the multiverse.  Another universe or school was that we could continue progressing to other planets with higher dimensional frequencies where in those civilizations we can teleport, communicate through telepathy, communicate across time and space to other planets and civilizations, and work as a collective to keep ascending and assist other civilizations.

“The previous idea I had about Soulology is probably not something I want to create.  I feel like it’s a lot more simple to just focus on sharing our near-death experiences and sharing more about the afterlife and about our awakening.  I am extremely interested in starting to share my experiences, and start working for the Beings of Light in sharing our experiences.  I am aware that I need to write a book, and I will write one in order to share my experiences.  I would still like to see if I can start sharing my experiences with people like you and with podcasts.  I would greatly appreciate your response and to share my experiences in your research and book.  I think it’s time to start sharing all my experiences as I have had many more with my awakening.  Perhaps we could chat via What’s Up or go to the telephone.  

With great appreciations, Rafael.”  


Rafael’s letter duplicates more letters than I can count.  Decades of them.  Know that they are all important and all special, but they’re coming at a time in my life when I am no longer researching the near-death phenomenon as I used to.  I have spent 45 years doing this, written 18 books either about my research or subjects related to it.  My latest, EDGE WALKER is a memoir/
autobiography; your opportunity to learn a little more about me, my life, my deaths, and what I’ve learned looking through those who did the same thing looking back at me.  We are mirrors, all of us, flashing back to a waiting world what we learned in worlds beyond this one.  Rafael must write his own book, find his own publisher, and share his story his own way.  Because of my electrical sensitivity, I cannot use Social Media directly, nor do I have one of those fancy phones you carry with you.  My phone is a desk phone three feet away from my computer.  It is beige in color and it is friendly.  It doesn’t “bite” me like I-Phones do.  Rafael is a brave soul, and I wish him well.  He will find what he seeks because he wants to, and not because I am involved in any way.

  His story is well worth reading, as are all the many stories penned by experiencers discovering their own voice and that they have something to say.  Many thanks to Rafael for writing to me.  

Many blessings always, to all of you.  PMH

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