Why Die Three Times?
“I am a huge fan. I just wanted to tell you that I believe the amazing things you say, and I can sense that there is way more knowledge in you that I can understand. I read FUTURE MEMORY, and am trying to read A MANUAL FOR DEVELOPING HUMANS. My question is, this one day I was telling my sister about your books and just said she died three times in three months, and my sister stopped me right there, and said: ‘What had she done to deserve that!’ And I just replied, well, if she hadn’t died, we wouldn’t be learning about a lot of things, and NDEs. But my mind kept rolling thinking that my sister always tells me that everything happens because of US. We cause everything. Is there some truth in this? I know that The Voice Like None Other told you and guided you to write, and you died for a lot of strong reasons For Humanity, I think.”. . . Linda in Mexico
Well, dear, I’ve faced that question myself - several times. It never occurred to me to ever say ‘why me.’ What difference does that make? It was me, so, for 44 years I have done my job, what The Voice Like None Other told me to do. I put my full self into the job, paid for everything myself, figured out how to write abstracts and papers and books. No one told me anything. I just did the job. Period.
Then, a couple of weeks ago, I looked back over my life and saw that this has been my behavior, probably since birth. I have always tackled the hardest jobs, without help, and wound up being a pioneer doing what no one else did. I was born with dyslexia and synesthesia (multiple sensing) and faced severe and horrible rebuke in the first grade because I wasn’t like everybody else. I spent most of the first grade on a tall stool in front of my class wearing a tall conical hat with DUNCE written on it as an example of a bad child who told lies. Yes, I was the only child in the first grade who could smell color, see music, and hear numbers - for real. Never did I lie. Because I went through that, I could recognize synesthesia as an aftereffect of near-death states.
At the end of the first grade, I was soooooooooooo angry. I always told the truth - yet nobody believed me. So, when the first grade ended, I decided that adults were stupid and I never wanted to be one when I grew up. Hah! My whole life is filled with these kinds of stories and what I did about it. Always I was on the front line. Always I was studying and doing things no one else was. Always I was right, but always I paid a severe price for what I did. . . even though it helped others.
So, who else to do pioneering work in near-death studies? Who else could God call forward, who was already prepared, already feisty, already proven as a researcher who got to the bottom of everything? If you look at my pattern of behavior since childhood, then it makes sense why I was told to do the work I did in my third near-death experience. In some way, we are always prepared or readied for what we are to do with our lives. Yes or no is up to us. I chose to say yes and have no regrets.
Just to let you know, I am now writing a book that brings nearly to a close the work I have done since 1978. Yes, I still have two more books to go, but this one takes a good look at my life, my deaths, my research. It “cleans up the slate” for me. No, it’s not a memoir. A little autobiographical but mostly a look back, way back, to when I was born in a small doctor’s office near the canyon’s edge of Shoshone Falls. I was an “out-of-wedlock” baby during a time when that was considered a “crime,” hence the unusual life that followed, as my footsteps to the First Grade matched the deaths occurring during the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Death was everywhere when I was a child, matching what I faced after being raped in my late thirties, when I was told to investigate. . . death itself.
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Blessings, PMH
Labels: Future Memory, Human Development, Near-Death Experience