Monday, May 16, 2016

Writing Your NDE Book

“Hello, I am contacting you because I was given your name from Karen Newell, with Sacred Acoustics. I saw Dr. Eben Alexander on Oprah, read his book, and have been reading some of the information on your website. I’m somewhat overwhelmed with the feelings I have right now and realize I am being guided to explore this further. I am aware of an NDE I experienced when I was 7 years old. I was beaten to death by my mother. My father and a doctor brought me back. My feeling is I had more than one NDE due to the severe nature of the abuse I was subjected to. My family is involved in a cult. I feel I also had one at age 14. In the NDE at 7 years old, I recall being with members of my Soul family with Source discussing my life and how difficult it was, and how I did not want to come back. That part of my Soul did not come back and a stronger part of my Soul came to endure the remainder of my life with my family. I had an extremely traumatic childhood until I got away from my family when I was 18.
“I have had no contact with them for several years once I remembered their involvement. I am turning 60 this year and had started a journey of recovery when I experienced flashbacks, and was flooded with memories of the abuse, when I was 31. I had no knowledge of any of this before this time. That began my journey in self seeking that continues now. It took 15 years to work through the memories. In this process, I have come to listen to my body and follow the energy where it leads me with an open heart. It has never steered me wrong so far. This feels like a significant element in my Soul’s remembrance and consciousness. So, I’m not sure what my question is to you, however I felt drawn to reach out and see where it leads me. More to be released, healed, and remembered. I have known for some time I need to write a book about my experience, but haven’t felt the energy was guiding me towards that until I read your statement about writing the story to integrate the experience.
“My goal is to write the book from a perspective of Love and Grace, not as a victim or even a survivor. I know I chose this life and was instrumental in shifting the consciousness of the people I encountered in that environment growing up. I recall the experience of seeing their heart chakra ignite a spark of light when they were around me. I have also since then come to know they suffer so deeply to have lost total remembrance of their True Nature and connection to Source. Not that I condone their actions in any way. But that is a gift of healing and Grace I was given to know how lost and in need of healing they are, rather than feeling I am their victim. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who have had my experience. I see that you are doing a study about this and I would like to get more details about that. 
Thank you for your time.”….Judy


Well, hello Judy. Nice to meet you and have you share so many things with me. First, read my book The New Children and Near-Death Experiences. Although comparisons are made in the book between near-death kids and the new kids (born since around 1982), the entire book really is an in-depth study of child experiencers of near-death states. I’m certain once you start reading it, you will feel as if it is your story, written for you. The exercise of “making your book” doesn’t have to result in a “for sale” book. It can be pages and pages held together by yarn or ribbons, with a cover page and title, then everything you remember, everything! Give yourself space in the book to talk about memories and connections. Just doing this enables you to claim what is yours; it enables you to validate yourself and what you remember and what that means to you. Every experiencer, regardless of age, who did this, said it was the second most life-changing experience they ever had. The first was the experience itself. Making your book is soooooooooo important. . . for you! If you want to do a more commercial type, that’s good too. Yes, there are far too many boys and girls who experience what you did. They may not read your book until they are older, but it will help.
The research I am now doing is reprising that earlier study, only this time focusing entirely on cases from womb to age five. That timespan is unusually unique in how it affects children and the brain. What I would love to do, with your permission, is post your experience in my NDE Cases section of my website. I only use first names. If you want to send more than what you just did, that’s fine. But what you shared now will touch many. Thank you so much for sharing what you have. You are one of so many who’ve had such horrific experiences, yet what brief time you’ve had on the “other side” does indeed make a difference. It is so important to go back and relive, remember, forgive, heal, and move on. You are to be commended for what you are doing.

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Saturday, May 07, 2016

How You Live is Determined by How You Think


         “Sorry to bother you, but I want to ask you a question that is really important to me.  I thought I could ask this question because you seem to be very kind – because you write beautiful sentences that sometimes help me to be positive despite my fear.  You are always smiling in your photos.  I am French and Paraguayan, and I’m bisexual.  I’m really sacred of going to hell and I’m afraid for my gay friends.  I know you work on NDEs and you said that sexuality doesn’t imply to the negativity or positivity of the experience.  But the only NDEs of gays that I found on the Internet is from Dr. Liz Dale, and there are only 21 cases.  Also, I have read in Yahoo, answers that a Doctor in Alabama has found that 93% of gay NDEs are negative, probably Dr. Jeffrey Long in his book Evidence of the Afterlife.  I don’t find anything on the Internet that proves that he said that about homosexuality, but I’m afraid because what if he’s right.  (The reason such NDEs scare me, because, in my opinion, NOBODY should experience hell.  We should all go directly to heaven, and the only punishment should be being guilty when we see the people we’ve hurt during our life review.  It’s awful that some souls are in these horrible places.)

            “I’ve spent so much time on the Internet seeking answers, reassuring proofs that me and my friends and a big part of humanity wouldn’t experience hell because of loving a same-sex partner.  But I always only find this study of Liz Dale, and all the other ‘informations’ that I find are scary propaganda (with no witnesses, it’s just videos with epic montage, frightening music and paintings of hell that say ‘gays will all go to hell – don’t be gay,’ but it’s still scary).  One day I found the NDE of a ‘former gay porn star that met Jesus’ (you can find it on YouTube if you type that in the research bar), that says he was possessed by the Devil and then met Christ, and then abandoned homosexuality.  In other videos he said that ‘gay marriages are Satanic ceremonies.’  I only read the resume of his experience.  I didn’t watch the videos because I was too afraid and it seemed to be propaganda (because he is also against masturbation).  I really think you should study the cases of gay NDEs.  I hope that a study like that, with more wingspan than the Liz Dale study, would demolish the myths that homosexuals are going to hell, and could really help a lot of gays, lesbians, and transgenders who are afraid.  So I venture to propose that you make a study about LGBT NDEs.  I know this proposition could seem arrogant, because I don’t study NDEs and you are a doctor.  But, it’s just a proposition.

            “Please give me more information about sexuality and near-death experiences.  Because I am really afraid, I cry, even when I try to be positive.  Do you hear a lot about gay NDEs?  Were they positive?  I can’t find enough help around me.  My mother can’t reassure me more than she already has.  (She’s amazing.)  I don’t want my father to know about negative NDEs because he’s easily scared.  So I only tell him about my fear without explaining why I have questions.  Sorry for bothering you.”….  Amelie


            Amelie, I do not know of anyone who has done a major or even significant study of homosexuals and/or transgender people.  Dr. Liz Dale has done a small one, but that's about it.  Nor am I able to because I am currently “over the top” with projects – the current one focusing on near-death experiences with the tiny crowd – from womb to age five.  I have run across homosexual and lesbian experiences, however, and so have most other researchers.  While I cannot speak for Dr. Jeffrey Long, or any other researcher for that matter, I can speak for myself.  My research base, by the way, is nearly 4,000 adults and children.  I am a field worker and have been doing this work since 1978.  This means that most of my cases come from real time sessions and not from tallying website percentages.

            You will love my latest book Dying to Know You:  Proof of God in the Near-Death Experience.  This is the people’s book, a summation of over 5,000 voices, children and adults, who share their truth, their experience, their knowing.  One of the things that emerge from their words is that God does not judge us.  We judge ourselves.  Get on my website at, and go over to “Charts.”  In that section is a chart about what I found with issues of Heaven and Hell.  I think you will be truly surprised if you do.

            As near as I can tell, when one dies you go to that level where you resonate.  It’s like the Other Side consists of multiple levels/dimensions.  The frequency of vibration, who you really are in your heart of hearts, determines that resonance factor.  You do not go to where you think you should or fear you might.  You go instead to the place/level where the truth of your being fits.  Not what someone else says; what you heart says.  No one is condemned.  You stay where you go for as long as needed, for however long it takes you to learn better, then you move on.  That construct of heaven and hell, those layers of vibratory frequencies, have no bottom and no top.  You do not stay in one place, you move on once you’ve learned/experienced whatever was necessary for you.  That may take some time, as different people react and respond in different ways.  There are other souls there to help, to guide, to assist, or to leave you alone.  Again, what you “need” dominates.  No religion on earth “owns” heaven or hell, or, how we learn and grow or refuse to learn and grow.  It’s up to us. . . our choice.

            Yes, there’s a heaven.  Yes, there’s a hell.  Yes, there are borderlands and everything in-between.  There are lovely levels and horrible ones.  Stories that people tell run the spectrum.

            It seems to me from your letter that your challenge is not whether you will rot in hell for being so terrible, but rather, how to discover who you really are.  You are not a homosexual.  That is not your identity.  It may be a lifestyle you have chosen, but that does not define you.  You are a child of God, a co-creator with the Creator.  As you learn more about yourself, as you meditate and pray and contemplate and take classes to expand your worldview, as you learn more about how to think and how to verbalize in ways that are not self-defeating, new doors of reality will open for you.  New strength.  New joy.  New promise.  New potential.  Do not allow sexual choices to overwhelm you.  Learn about health issues, certainly, and how to be who you are successfully and joyfully.  Florence Scovel wrote a book called The Game of Life and How to Play ItRead that book.  If you want to learn more about how to think, read Ernest Holmes and The Science of Mind.  There are classes on the Internet about Science of Mind (Center of Spiritual Living), and especially their teaching about Spiritual Mind Treatments (which is the same thing as positive prayer).  These classes are excellent.  I took the first one in a small church on Walnut Street in Boise, Idaho, after my three deaths.  What a wake-up call.  I highly recommend it to everyone.

How you live is determined by how you think.  Do not let anyone do your thinking for you.

After dying three times in three months, I was left with a body that no longer functioned well.  I lived with a lot of fear.  Someone suggested that I read the science-fiction book Dune.  I did, and was changed by what I learned from it.  There is a Litany of Fear in the book.  For whatever reason, I changed that Litany around, and used my own version to bring me out of fear.  It worked.  Maybe it will work for you, too.  Here it is:

            LITANY OF FEAR

            Fear is the mind killer.
            It is the little death.
            I will face my fear.
            It will pass over me,
                        around me,
                        and through me.
            And when it is gone,
            I will remain.

Blessings, PMH

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