Proof of the Afterlife in Spirit, Art, & Science
Folks, there are so many wonderful things to let you know about, that this blog will be devoted entirely to announcements. We’ll get back to questions and answers next time. Blessings, PMH
Yes, there really is a DVD by that name, and it covers in detail what is called “the Scole Experiment.” The DVD is narrated by Britain’s leading investigative journalist, Donal MacIntyre.
For five years, a group of researchers and mediums came together in the English village of Scole. Their aim was to obtain irrefutable evidence for life after death.
They tackled radio and tape recorder anomalies, such as what Italy’s medium, Marcello Bacci, has produced. They used cameras to record the reaction of parents when they appeared to hear their dead children emerge from his work. Known as the “Electronic Voice Phenomenon,” this particular protocol has been investigated quite broadly in the United States and Europe, as well as in other countries.
Allison Dubois also participated. She was the inspiration for the hit TV drama, “Medium.” They really put her to the test, especially concerning a leading researcher who tragically died during the production of this DVD.
This DVD is 86 minutes long. If this interests you, contact Tim Coleman is the director/producer.
The article is called “Scientists probe brief brushes with the afterlife.” It is by G. Jeffrey MacDonald and is well worth reading. Should you be interested in reading this article, here is the website - the address is very long:
I know I have already announced this book, but I want to do it again. That’s because of how simple and vibrant and powerful it is. Written by Dan Rhema, his near-death experience and what he went through with the aftereffects is told mostly through his colorful art. His story alone of surviving multiple brain infections from Dengue Fever and Spinal Meningitis is enough to convince anyone of the power of faith and courage and miracles. Death’s pathway led him to worlds beyond this one, opening up realities quite impossible to describe.
When you come back from a near-death experience, you don’t really come back - at least not as the “you” who left. You return different, and that difference can seem as near to a curse as a blessing. Healing body and mind is one thing, grappling with realms of soul and spirit and Source and Beingness and a Light bigger than light, well, that’s something else.
This book is an e-book, available through any Barnes & Noble bookstores, or, you can order it through this link:
Held once a year, this very special spiritual retreat for those who have had a near-death experience occurs May 12-14, 2011, at a spiritual retreat center near St. Louis, Missouri (made special by the most loving Catholic nuns imaginable - I know because I attended the first one ever held and it was incredible and so were they). The spiritual aspects of the near-death experience are the least explored in near-death studies. We use a few words like God and angels and heaven, but we never really apply any of this to what experiencers really feel and how that affects their daily life. Issues like this are front and central to this retreat, plus the magic of creativity.
The three near-death experiencers who originated this project are still at the helm, doing all they can to keep prices low so the retreat is affordable to most people. To register (and you do need to do this right away as space is limited)...access To talk to any of the three who put this on, contact: Linda Jacquin -; Bill Taylor -; and/or Dave Bennett -
‘Tis another near-death book, this one written by experiencer Br. Gary Joseph. Gary died in September of 2005 of an out-of-control heart arrhythmia. The fact that he revived thirty minutes later, both confused and amazed his physician. Since his experience, he has had frequent “God-encounters” and visits from the Other Side by family and friends, on a mission to facilitate love, mercy, forgiveness, and reconciliation. He calls his book, “Proof of the Afterlife: The Conversation Continues.”
This book is published by Mercy Books - all proceeds go to the homeless in America. Contact for book sales:, or call 1-800-266-5564. Beginning in March it will be available at all Barnes & Noble Bookstores, as well as To reach Gary:
Labels: Afterlife, Art, God, God encounters, Science, Scole Experiment, spirit