Monday, September 29, 2008

Electronic Voice Phenomenon


"I was wondering if you knew what this could be. For a good long while last year, whenever the fan or air conditioning was turned on medium or high, I would hear voices coming from the fan and air conditioning box. I still hear them there occasionally. Sometime last year, the voices I was hearing would talk in a way that was loud enough for me to hear them. Except for one time when I heard my name being shouted outloud, I never could understand what they were saying. When I first heard voices coming from the fan, it sounded like a very large crowd of people talking, then later on when I heard them from the fan, it sounded like five men and two women talking. It was more loud than before, but I still couldn't understand what they were saying.

"I heard from a clairvoyant lady that there is a phenomenon called "white noise," but she told me that she was told who they were didn't make any sense. She said that there are three women living in the vicinity of my house, except they are living on a higher plane of existence. This didn't make sense to me, since there were times when I heard the voices, it sounded like men talking.

"Back years ago, my brother Joey was sleeping in the room that used to be a post office room and he couldn't sleep because he could just barely hear people talking in the back ground, even though the fan wasn't turned on at all nor was it even in the room at the time. My cousin Gene said that someone set down on the bed in the post office room years ago, when he was in there sleeping. He said that he and his mother and brothers searched the house I am living in, but didn't find anyone else there, and found no evidence of an intrusion. To me and my family's knowledge, that particular incident never happened here again. I don't always feel comfortable sleeping in the post office room by myself.

"Also, could you please tell me, I'm going to ask this next question for a reason. When we had our first e-mail exchange back in March of last year, did you sense that my soul was very evolved and very bright?

"Lastly, I was wondering if I could play video games in the afterlife?" ... Daniel


Daniel, I do not sense one way or another about anyone's soul development in my correspondence. That's simply too much to ask of me with the thousands of people I deal with monthly, yearly. Nor can I comment on what you will be able to do after you are dead. There are some people who flatly state what can be found in the "afterlife" and what we will be able to do once we are there. This is doubtful, and borders on psychological programming. Even the best psychics in the field cannot say for certain, one way or another. They can share what they do see or feel, what they sense or intuit, but they cannot guarantee what will await you once you die. That truth is between you and the God of Your Being.

There could be several things to consider as per the fan and voices, or no fan but still voices.

** Radio broadcasts often bleed through the mundane functioning of mechanical objects. Even telephone calls can bleed through into other areas where various machinery is working. With the advent of cell phones and high definition digital signals, this is becoming more and more frequent. . . bleed throughs. A signal can jump from one medium to another. Strange but true.

** Sound doesn't go away. Neither do strong feelings and emotions. We think they do, but they do not. Sounds and strong feelings/emotions can and usually do embed or wind up stored in existing wood, metals, glass, and rocks - ofttimes in or near large bodies of water. For instance, one can tune a radio to certain frequencies while visiting in the country of Switzerland, and "accidently" pick up "live broadcasts" of World War II maneuvers happening in Germany, France, and the Netherlands - all of it in real time - even though over fifty years have passed since the actual broadcasts were made. This is true on a smaller scale, as well. Strong feelings, emotions, even sounds, can be picked up in homes, buildings, on subway trains, in tunnels - many places. That's why people walking the grounds where Civil War Battles were fought can hear canons, men screaming, horses running off. If you don't believe me, visit Gettysburg and walk the fields, especially in late evening. The Electronic Voice Phenomenon addresses this, with people learning how, with a simple cassette recorder, to pick up voices in the air, near a graveyard, under the bed. . . anywhere. There has been a modicum of success in this new field of research, enough to excite a lot of people and inspire them to give it a try. You might google Electronic Voice Phenomenon and see what references you can find.

One does not have to be psychic to pick up lingering sounds or conversations. These sounds exist. Most people never hear them. But sometimes we inadvertently pick them up and are confused by this, or perhaps frightened. This is neither bizarre nor magic. It is simply part of the natural order and the myriad frequencies that permeate our environment, including those we cannot see or readily connect with what we know.

Blessings, PMH


October 2-4 (this week) in Durham, North Carolina, IANDS will hold a near-death conference - this once focusing on Nearing-Death Awareness. Maggie Callanan, a hospice nurse, will be the keynote speaker. Her first book, "Final Gifts," launched this field of study and remains, in my opinion, the best ever written on the symbolic language of the dying and how to understand what is being conveyed. Now, with her new book, "Final Journeys," she takes us even deeper into the special language and behaviors of those about to pass over. If you've never heard Maggie speak before, you are in for a real treat. She is side-splitting funny at the same time as being respectiful and serious. Yup, there's no one quite like Maggie and the special wisdom she offers. There will be activities for near-death experiencers and a proposal to produce manuals, mentors, special ways of helping people deal with the aftereffects, not only of near-death states, but of transformational events that completely change us. For more details, access IANDS' website,, or e-mail at, or telephone them at (919) 383-7940. I will be there. I hope you will be too. –PMH

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fear of Death


"I understand perfectly how busy you are and how many questions you receive, but I simply don't know who else can help me and keep praying that you answer my e-mail.

"Here is my story. My name is Olga. We are from Ukraine and now living in Toronto. Just a few months ago I was the happiest person in the world, surrounded by love, my second marriage is a gift. I have two kids; my baby daughter is almost five months old.

"Suddenly it all changed and collapsed. And I did it myself. A couple of months ago I was playing with my daughter, when I first had a freezing thought: 'Oh, sooner or later we are all going to die. Myself, my husband, my kids....' And I became terrified. Since then I've totally changed. I'm in a constant state of panic. My husband thinks I am going crazy. I have to say that I've never been into spirituality, religion, etc. As the result of that, I began looking for all possible information about afterlife and so on (that's how I discovered you and your amazing research). I read everything I could and became in some ways relieved (maybe survival is real), but even more confused and terrified. I read about very negative NDEs, e.g. one woman saw an evil being literally trying to get her soul out of her. What do you think of this? Can it really be so that at death we'll be harmed, destroyed, or possessed by some evil forces? How to protect ourselves?

"Another question is that I don't know how to live now - when I became obsessed with death. I totally changed; it's like I am another person. I stopped being interested in things like clothes, cars, sex, redecorating my new house, etc. Everything I liked doing doesn't make any sense anymore. At first I thought it to be the postpartum depression, but now I am sure it is not. I look at everybody enjoying their life like from a distance. I don't understand why I changed. I miss the old Olga with all her love, optimism, no fears. But I am not the same person anymore. I am constantly thinking about death with fear and curiosity. I know that I do not want to become a sparkle of light somewhere. I want to be with my husband forever. I want my old life back and don't know what to do. I don't know how to live constantly thinking that we are all going to die and never be together anymore. At the age of 36 I became a zombie. Life became torture.

"I am really crying for help. Thank you very much for your time and understanding. I hope to hear from you."...Olga


Fear can do terrible things to us when we invite it in. We cannot always know the reasons behind what happens in our lives, but we can take whatever happens and use it to benefit us. We're in charge of our minds, our bodies, our lives. No one else is.

Everything in life, everything, has both a positive and a negative polarity. This is necessary for the creation of stress. Without a certain percentage of stress in existence, there would be no earth, no universe, no life, nothing. The gift of stress is tension. It is that tension that enables light to become dense, dense enough for matter to form. We exist in a world of matter, have a "stage" on which to act out our many parts, because of the tension between stress points: positive/negative. That necessary balance can tip in favor of one polarity over another: too much of the positive can make us lazy, too much of the negative can numb us. Balance is the secret in all things. The great masters of old said this. It is still true.

Right now your life is out of balance to the negative. That's because you have discovered a truth you did not accept nor pay any attention to before. This discovery can be a great gift or a great curse - your choice.

Death is not a negative. We just think it is. Without death, this planet would be in a terrible mess. Death keeps everything recycled, including people. Death "hurts" in the sense that it interupts life; it changes our sense and image of life, ours and everyone else's. But if we understand death and how necessary death is, we come to develop a more realistic and easy relationship with death, with the comings and goings of life, with cycles, with the very pulse of nature and all that is good and holy. You cannot live, really live, until you accept death. Love cannot continue, cannot give us depth and true meaning, cannot have value that is long-lasting and true, if death has failed to convey the contrast between what we think is love and what really is love. This is what the near-death experience teaches so dramatically: 99% of experiencers come back with no fear of death, for they know that death ends nothing but the body we wear. Regarless of whether they had a hellish experience or a heavenly one, they come back with this realization. We are talking about millions upon millions of people here.

An interesting counter-point to the sudden fear of death, to the point that the fear of it disrupts an individual's life (at it has with you), almost invariably, this is a sign (probably from the soul level) that it is time for you to take spiritual studies seriously. It is time for you to begin your spiritual journey, the inner journey, to the heart of what exists within you, the truth of life and death. I would suggest that you begin in a class, perhaps a class in meditation or contemplation, or recognizing the sacred in nature. Walk a labyrinth, plant a garden, volunteer somewhere, pray. You might find that the more metaphysical churches will appeal to you: Unity Church, Church of Religious Science. Google "Science of Mind" magazine. Subscribe to that magazine and start reading it every day. Find yourself some inspiring books to read or other kinds of classes to attend.

There are no guarantees in life - none. We have no way of knowing how long anyone will live or even if our house will stand or our job continue. So, how do you live a life without guarantees? With gusto. Seize the day, each day, and live it to the hilt. Put as much love and joy into each minute as you can - even if those moments are awful, sad, painful, tearful, terrible. Every part of life is good, and that includes the non-so-good. I can say this because I have been dead three times in three months, in 1977. I lost everything, yet what I found was better than anything I had or knew before. You might read my story someday. A brief version is on my website and in Chapter Two of my book "Coming Back to Life" (Transpersonal Publishing, Kill Devil Hills, NC 2008).

A particular litany helped me very much during those frightful times when I was trying to rebuild my life after losing it. The litany is from the science fiction book, "Dune" by Frank Herbert. Although the way I memorized the litany is not what is in the book, here is the Litany of Fear as I memorized it. Why I differed from the original I do not know.

Fear is the mind killer.
It is the little death.
I will face my fear.
It will pass over me, around me, and through me.
And when it is gone.....I will remain.

I used to chant this litany for hours. The litany and the phrase "God is" are what kept me sane. I never gave up. I learned to allow, not force - allow. I allowed God to spread throughout every cell in my body. I allowed my breath to become God's Breath. I allowed my heart to beat in rhythm with the pulse of life and that which heals and helps and affirms Truth. I now consider my deaths to be the most wondrous gift I could ever have been given. In death, I found true life. No, I have yet to recover from the financial setback that followed (if you think writing books makes you much money, think again). Yes, in trusting the Truth of Life, I have learned how to access the source of wealth that exists beyond the physical.

Perhaps this new fear you have is a gift your soul is giving you, so you will be motivated to look beyond the veil and explore the rest of life. The more you look, the more cetainly you will discover what lies within the greatest of mysteries - that life itself is eternal. Many blessings, PMH


This blog is not meant to be a major or complete source of findings about near-death research - my own or that of others. Its purpose is to serve the public at large through a question/answer format, in exploring the phenomenon of near-death and related issues. Lately I have been criticized for not carrying a more in-depth rendering of research observations and data - not only on this blog - but throughout my website ( I invite anyone who wishes this type of information to read my various books, especially "The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences," as it contains the largest, broadest, most up-to-date rendering of the subject anywhere to be found.

I have also been criticized for having a section in my website on Goddess Runes and anything to do with things psychic. I make no apologies for this. Discovering and learning to use this ancient form of rune casting the year after my three near-death experiences, is what enabled me to retrain the way my brain worked and become more whole-brained. I highly recommend this particular divinatory system, especially for tweens with learning disabilities, older children who are spatial/visual learners, and for anyone at any age wishing to enjoy the wonder and fun of exploring things sacred and spiritual. Yes, I do give readings. This enables me to serve in a more personal and intimate manner. I am also a Prayer Chaplain. Both endeavors continue the spiritual commitment I have to put God first in my life.

Thank you, PMH

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