Important - all of you - be certain to see the movie/documentary AFTER DEATH. It is the best ever done. Exceptional in every way!
Also on the list of “exceptional,” get Raymond Moody and Paul Perry’s latest book, PROOF OF LIFE AFTER LIFE: 7 REASONS TO BELIEVE THERE IS AN AFTERLIFE.
“I am now 45 years young. As far as I can remember, I’ve always been a quiet, sensitive child with a very “far out” imagination. I’ve always loved and felt a strong kinship with animals of all kinds and have always had a deep, spirituality, space/the cosmos, UFOs/exra-terrestrial beings, philosophy, and parapsychology. Adults have always commented on my quiet nature and described me as ‘wise beyond my years.’
“I’ve always preferred the company of adults, particularly any chance to have deep, philosophical, or spiritual discussions. Regarding my sensitivity, if anyone would ever point out that I had hurt them (or anyone, including animals), or done anything wrong, I would (and still do, though less dramatically) feel deeply and profoundly sad and/or upset. I’d cry and cry if anyone was upset with me or hurt by me. My mother always recalled that she NEVER had to spank me or reprimand me too harshly, because as soon as I became aware of upsetting her in any way, I would cry with genuine remorse. All it took was a displeased tone or a look from my mom, and I would express extreme remorse. She often joked that my younger brother (3 years younger than me), presented a striking difference. He was stubborn and she felt forced to actually slap him on occasion, to which he once responded ‘that didn’t hurt.’ Then, escalating, if she had to slap him a bit harder. He would say, ‘don’t do that!’ I was pretty much the opposite. As far back as I can remember, I’ve always had these intuitive (and bizarre) ‘certainties,’ or understandings that I thought were common to everyone, but soon realized they are not common at all. For instance, I’ve always felt/believed that I existed before I was born into this body, and that I will continue after this body dies. I’ve also always ‘known’ that the galaxy is FULL of life, most of which is probably far more advanced than we are here. As soon as I heard about UFO’s I thought ‘Amazing!’ Well, of course they’re REAL - how could anyone think otherwise? I also remember thinking about thoughts, words, and deeds, inside and out, known and recorded. I knew that ‘angels,’ guides, or higher beings are always watching and listening to us. I remember being fairly impressed with my uniquely profound and original insight, until later realizing, of course, that this notion is actually very old and prevalent in ‘new age’ philosophies. I remember feeling frustrated (ages 4-6?) when I would occasionally tell my Mom, ‘You are the BEST mommy I’ve ever had!’ I was really frustrated because she clearly laughed it off as something silly a child would say, in error, but I meant exactly what I said; not that she was the best mommy ever, but that she was the best mommy I had ever had (out of many). We attended a very small church (the Church of Christ), including Bible studies at least twice a week, and I would frequently frustrate the elders with my annoying questions about God, Jesus, heaven, hell, etc. Though open-minded, curious, and respectful, I found I disagreed with them on SO many points and almost felt like I had to teach them, or set things straight for them.
“I remember having at least one major premonition. I envisioned a huge bridge over the Salinas river (a convenient shortcut to the freeway, which is visible from my parents’ house), years before that bridge was built. When the bridge was being built, I remember telling my Dad and brother that I dreamt of this exact bridge. Every time I shared any of these experiences, they were brushed off or met with skepticism, which was frustrating. I remember on one long road trip with my parents and younger brother (at around the age of five–8?), I was looking out the car window and exclaimed, ‘Hey, I know this place!’ My parents both laughed and adamantly assured me that I had NEVER been to that place!’ I kept looking and was even more certain. ‘No, I KNOW I have been here before, I remember it. They simply reasserted that I had not. I didn’t push the issue, but I knew I was experiencing something uncanny and profound. One of the stranger memories I have is when at a very young age (maybe between 5 and 8?) I became extremely frustrated. (I don’t remember what about, I was fairly easily frustrated). Quite upset, I stormed out of the house and in our driveway I stomped my foot and exclaimed (as if to heaven), why did I come to this planet!?!” ....Gregory
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