NDE Shared Experiences: Have You Had Your 9 Lives?
“G’day and greetings from Australia. Grateful you are still with us and spreading your news to the earthlings.
“Recently, 10.10.22, I had another NDE. I say another, as this was perhaps #12 for me. I am 46 years old. I had never really thought too much about it. Friends/family joked ‘you’ve had your 9 lives.’
“A few months ago a new random female friend reached out to me on LinkedIN in a private message and strangely (or not), she asked me something like ‘hi Andew, can I ask if you have ever had a NDE?’ She replied ‘what is an NDE?” She said ‘Near-Death Experiencer.’ I let her know that YES, many! She (Pauline) said she could sort of tell by the way I wrote. Interesting.
“I am reaching out to you to say that ‘yes, you could use some of my experiences in your on/going work,” but also can you think of many people who have had so many NDE’s as you call them? I would have thought some people have them quite regularly with chronic health problems. I have Crohns disease and it has contributed to at least three of mine, including the most recent one.
“The one I had on 10.10.22 after a routine colonoscopy on 8.10.22 (the 8th and 10th October, last week). The colonoscopy they went to dilate the small intestine a bit, as it narrows at the surgery site, where I last had surgery in 2003. They ruptured an artery, but we had no idea. Eventually, at 3 am, 10th, I was in a pool of blood on my mother’s bathroom floor and I was leaving (again). My heart rate was through the roof and I guess a heart attack was imminent. I prayed to God that my poor mother would not find me there, dead on the floor. . . . I prayed for strength, just enough strength to get me to be able to call out to my mother. She heard me, as I had fallen over twice getting to the toilet/bathroom at 3 am. I could go into a lot more detail, but before I started to go into that warm nice relaxed “at home” feeling, womb like, I started to regain consciousness and the ambulance came.
“I am fine now. By the grace of God go I. I must say, after this one I have an even more deeper sense of need for quiet so I can funnel in all the amazing thoughts and feelings that are rushing into my body.
“I have two kids, 12 and 9. I just bought a little home office, which should be delivered in two weeks!
“I know we could talk for hours about all this stuff. Thank you for the work you have done and are doing, to help people. Wondering who springs to mind when you think of people who have had a dozen or more NDE’s?
“Obviously there are different levels to them. I have never gone out, heart stopped, and been days in a funeral home and pronounced dead. In fact, I have never been pronounced dead. I have felt that feeling of being removed from my body, though, several times. . . and being pulled into that ‘other’ place. . . had conversations with God and come back here to fulfill my purpose, which now (today) is abundantly clear (thankfully).
“I can’t remember what I said back then (before), nor that I have written much at all about that experience. I do plan to write about my
NDE’s though, as I now have had 13 of them.
“I was at a Christmas party recently and telling three female friends about recent NDE, and I asked them ‘Have you had an NDE?’ All three of them said no, and that they had never even come close to dying. . . it sort of made me realize that having more than one of them is quite unique. I have had lots of them.
“The first one I was about 4 weeks old, and can remember it vividly. The second one I was 6, and it was completely different!!!! The first one I remember thinking ‘I won’t be here anymore, I will be somewhere else.’
Aged six it was more like ‘oh shit I am going to die!’ I was almost like from 4 - 6, the concept of death had been ingrained somehow. . . yet, even though I was an infant, at 6, and ‘oh shit, I am going to die’ washed through my emotional body, there was a sense of calm as the life force was starting to leave me.”