Saturday, June 17, 2023

Sharing Love and Life


This comes from Tom.

“One night during the two weeks of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, an all-night vigil was held in an outdoor amphitheater, during which the representatives of dozens of different religions came up on stage one-at-a-time and gave a prayer or a short song or chant of their choice, in their language and tradition.  I was sitting with a friend I traveled with to the Earth Summit.  As soon as the first representative of a religion came on stage, I saw violet light in my vision, eyes open and looking at the person on stage.  Then I was filled with what I would call a “love vibration” that caused me to break out into tears for the person on stage.  I could feel a vibration throughout my body, and I could hear words in my heart that said something like this:  ‘Thank you for everything you have done with your religion.  You have nothing to be ashamed of or regret.  You did the very best you could have done with what you knew over these many years, but now your time as a religion will be coming to an end.  This is not a negative end, but one of thankfulness and new awareness.  I was quietly sobbing by this time, and then the next representative of a religion came on stage and I went through basically the same process again, for hours for each of the dozens of religions.  My friend just sat quietly and supported me, since she wasn’t sure what was happening or why I was crying.

“It was the most emotional and vibrational and light-filled experience I have had, and I try to remember it so that I forgive what has been done in the wake of any of the religions, knowing that they did their best and that sometime in the future they may not exist as religions in the same way, or at all.  Well, that is my little story.  I don’t mean to imply that it has importance for the whole world, but it is simply what I experience.”...Tom 


This one is from Julia.

“I did!  I got goosebumps when I read your question about seeing things before birth.  I saw the umbilical cord.  I had told my family this, but they said it was impossible, so for years I had chalked this up to a dream.  But it looked similar to when your eyes are closed and you are faced towards the sun.  It was that color red.  There was a long dark red shape floating in front of me.  I remember wanting to grab it, but I couldn’t.  I think maybe I didn’t know how to work my body yet, because after I tried again, it shifted and another piece of it floated in my view.  It looked like two but I think I just didn’t see where they were connected.

“Also, when I was three I remember telling my family I was never a baby.  I knew I had been younger, but I was trying to explain I had never been helpless, unable to understand the world around me.  I had always been me and so I argued with them about it.  The problem was, if I had been a baby, that meant I had been born, or ‘started’ life and that didn’t make sense to me because I instinctively knew I WAS life.  When they showed me my baby pictures, I gained a fear of death, but it took years of philosophy, research, and in-depth introspection to overcome this.

“One last thing, my mother also had premonitions.  She believed a lot of what I had to say, and was especially interested in my dreams.  She typed some out, but they are since gone.  She knew she wouldn’t live to 40 years old (she often told my older sister) and she passed three months before her 30th birthday.  She was one we both had predicted.

“Let me tell you, you are a light in a dark world.  I can’t wait to read and chat on your blog.  Thank you so much.”....Julia

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