I do on occasion carry experiencer stories, rather than answering any question that was submitted. This time I have a story to share with you from Martha.
“It happened on February 21, 2015. I have lupus and many concomitant issues and was having a great deal of nausea and vomiting that morning. I thought it was a gastric flare of my lupus so I decided to try to ride it out with water, electrolytes, and rest. I was very sick all day when my family came to check on me. They wanted to go to a movie but wanted to see if my condition had improved. It had not.
“As they were talking to me, I had what they described as a small and fast seizure. I have never suffered one in my life, and apparently I had another small one while they were talking to me. When they mentioned them, I remember everything going white and hearing church bells everywhere. When I came to the third time, I didn’t recognize them. Not my daughter or my ex-husband of 25 years. They whisked me to the hospital where a cardiac monitor was attached, and while I was describing what had happened earlier, I explained that it was happening again: church bells like everyone on earth was ringing in my body, and white while liquid pastel lights obscured my vision. I turned my head to my ex and said I thought I was dying….and my heart stopped.
“I then remember being over my body, watching the male nurse doing chest compressions and then attaching two large stickers to my back and chest, respectively. He attached leads to a crash cart and zapped me. Nothing. As this was occurring, I saw the nurse push my daughter and ex-husband out of the room, my daughter being hysterical. I then saw the nurse stop his compressions again, and hit me with the cart. And I suddenly found myself back in my body.
“I literally sat up and apologized to the ER staff for being a pain in the ax&. Lo! This can all be verified with the staff at the time at the Mercy ER.
The poor attending ER doctor was very traumatized by it all. I was the first patient to ever sit up after being resuscitated! He left ER medicine, probably because of this, and works at an Urgent Care.
“But the strangest part is that I now visit dream world, maybe a parallel world, every night since that happened all that time ago. It’s like having a second life. Nothing super special, yet I know people there that I never meet here. I swear this is true as I sit here today telling you…..” Martha.
Thank you Martha for your sharing. PMH
Labels: NDE, Near-Death Experience