Tuesday, January 31, 2023

An Experiencer Story


“Hello, I have a very important question that I have been wondering about for years.  I know that you interviewed George Rodania many years ago.  The man was allegedly dead for three days and had a very detailed NDE.  I am wondering if his clinical death has been verified as being dead for three days and if the morgue and hospital record as well can verify this?  What do you think of his NDE?  I’d love to hear back from you.  I read the handbook of near-death experiences and watched many of your videos.  Looking forward to hearing from you.”... Jana


There is no question that George died as stated, and returned to life as stated.  What cannot be proved is the temperature in that Morque in Georgia.  At that time in our history, the state of Georgia was controlled by Russia, and authorities there did indeed call in the KGB to get rid of him.  Since his own uncle was part of the autopsy team and his wife Nino was privy to what was going on, researchers as myself are comfortable with the story told.  

Once the family was in the United States and settled down, I was able to spend time with and often talk to George.  But also spend some time with Nino, his wife, and meet their two children.  In my talks with Nino, she confirmed many stories - especially the time, as a widow, she was standing in front of his grave and thought to herself of who might take his place as her husband.  She had a list and was going over that list to make certain whoever she married would be a good father to her children.  

When he was quite alive and home with her, she could not sleep with him or be near him for nearly a year.  I asked her why.  She said it was because she had no privacy.  He was in and out of her mind all the time and she could not handle his “invasions.”

No, myself and other researchers were unable to contact the hospital in Georgia, gain the verifications on medical matters from them.  It was as if he never existed and nothing like this ever happened.  The Communist party would not allow any such information out.  Sorta like what Putin is doing now in Russia.

You may find it interesting that both George and I, as near-death experiencers, had electrical sensitivity of about the same strength.  We could and did bring down telephone lines, transmissions, telephone interviews, and so forth.  As a single interview we were okay.  Have the two of us together - pow - we simply could not be filmed or recorded together.  Equipment would quit.  

Blessings, PMH

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Monday, January 09, 2023

Is the Brain a Receiver of Consciousness, Is Consiousness Eternal?


My name is Brindha, and I came across your name after recently losing a loved one.  I wanted to please personally ask you a couple of quick questions.  Do you believe that our brain is the receiver of consciousness?  Do you believe that our consciousness is eternal?  Thank you so much.


Our physical brain does everything it can to keep brain function rolling and going.  It’s job is to make certain everything automatic does its job, and that our consciousness spreads and deepens and grows and learns, and then relearns even more and spreads even more.  We lessen the impact of our many abilities by following what seems right or wrong, or going along with what society/families/history tells us - rather than listening to our own intuitive promptings that urge us past where we think we should be, do, or go.  Never listen to “shoulds” without questioning.  Listen always to your own heart and your own inner truth.  

No one dies.  Our bodies die, but that’s all.  Millions of near-death experiencers about the world are proof of this, including myself.  Read my books, especially THE BIG BOOK OF NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES and NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES:  THE REST OF THE STORY for the best information about this.  

After 44 years of research with a research base of nearly 5,000 adult and child experiencers, I can say this:

  • Death does not end life.
  • Only the scenery changes at death.
  • Many see departed loved ones, pets, birds, angels.
  • Light can predominate:  white/bright, dark/black, or a power beyond light that is impossible to describe.
  • We are all more capable/smarter than we think we are.
  • Mind is endless - only thoughts limit.
  • Everyone is psychic, creative, inventive, loved.
  • Life is worth its living.
  • There is a Central Source of Existence:  some call this God, Allah, or Hundreds of Other Names for Deity.
  • All healing is based on the willingness to change.
  • So is forgiveness.
  • Prayer is real and it works.
  • Children see prayer as a bright or rainbow-banded light that passes from sender to receiver.
  • Love is the only standard that exists.
  • Choice is the only process.

Blessings always, PMH
