Unseen Ones Teaching About Life
I remember clearly the Unseen Ones teaching my identical twin and I about life.
Conception was an explosion of physical sensations of sudden brilliance.
Being inside mother with my identical twin, experiencing the closeness of communion and communication, thinking that we are the baby that our parents are expecting.
Watching mother having tea with friends - being able to experience outside her body as well as inside.
Being aware of the Love surrounding us, as well as being aware of the anxiety and stress that mother emanated. (It was wartime and dad was a conscientious objector.) My parent’s beliefs that war was not the answer. Mother intensely felt the absence of support from the mainstream society. (She wasn’t allowed to teach because of her beliefs. The school system was afraid that she would express her views.) Her feelings of lack of support seeped into our consciousness, and stayed there.
My sister saying she has to go. She says, “after you are born, when you need to understand, love me into a sphere of light, and I will explain things to you.”
Not understanding the word “go,” because inside mother we lived in present tense only: the concept of “go” flows into the future.
She slips out of mother, so I follow. We drift up to mother’s left.
Seeing that her light connection with mother wasn’t there.
As we fly up and up, she blips through, and I drop to the left into Peace. I become peace. I live peace, immersed in peace. Nothing else exists.
Gradually I awaken from peace into a different experience. My whole world is being aware of this other being.
I try my best to communicate with it. Finally I call it “Other,” because I know that I am the baby, and this thing here doesn’t communicate. (Finally I shove it and it pokes me back. . . some communication that is!)
Being born.
Passing in and out of living, living on a fragile thread of staying here. Knowing I must stay, yet so much pain.
The hard corners of the incubator, the absence of mother’s heart beat and body noises. The absence of comfort.
The constant crying of other babies, their uncertainty, their fear, their distress.
Physical pain of breathing, of belly aches, and no one helping to bring relief.
Just plain denseness of physicality: seeming to make a distance to the Unseen Ones.
I am still conscious of the silent presence of my twin sister. Her presence is a sustaining presence.
There are no words for my experiences, only feelings. As I grew, I study this existence that I now live in.
Mother teaches me her world: a small, confining world where only the physical is real. This accentuates the vast world that I experience: many unseen ones in various capacities teach me about life, teach me healing, give me companionship. I am at one with nature and nature spirits. It puzzles me that mother isn’t aware of the vastness and beauty of these experiences.
Intuition and empathy help me understand this world within worlds. My vague memories of the Unseen Ones bring me comfort. Synesthesia winds in and out of my experiences. The richness of experiencing the beauty in life seems to be my world only. I discover that my experiences are not a part of other people’s experiences. Other people don’t see into, feel into, experience into. . . . they stay put in their own physical realm.
I come from the innocence of pure love, unaware of the possibility of cruelty. I have to learn about others’ choices of living deceit, manipulation, controlling, and selfishness. This seems to be a lifelong journey to be able to identify and forgive this behavior.
–Communication with birds and other life. They teach me.
–Remembering other lives in order to incorporate that learning into this life.
–Living overlapping life experiences.
–Communications with babies: “What was it like?” And enjoying their response….then the time I heard the music that the baby presented to me.
–Using music and color to bring others back to harmony.
–Being able to experience how others feel music (resonating in long bones, and reverberating in the vastness of the cathedral within the cranial bones).
–Knowing what others need through entering their world.
–Reading their intent, bypassing the words.
–Giving comfort through the emanation of comfort.
–Living free of time/space and finding it difficult to stay within time/space.
–At times able to enter the void where all possibly exists.
–Slips between dimensions so this robe didn’t catch on fire from the candle.
–Red tailed hawk speaks and teaches.
–Sister teaches me to communicate with my mother…..See the presence of the great sphere of rainbow-light surrounding her. Speak to the God within her, and she, on some level, will get it.
–Intense love for all life.
–Joy welling up inside me until it bubbles forth into giggles or laughter (my daughter thought this was inappropriate!) “Why are you laughing at me?”
Thank you, Janet, for sharing your story. PMH
Labels: prebirth memory