NDEs, Past Lives, and Planned Births
“Thanks for sharing your experience with us at the Seminar. It’s the second time I met you online and your talks are always fascinating. I have a couple of questions I would like to ask you. 1) Can you share something about how an NDE could open access to other past lives? 2) Is NDE a pre-incarnate plan? Thanks a lot in advance” ....Lawrence
Can an NDE open up a portal to past lives?
Yes and no. In my early work with experiencers, mostly adults, those who came back from death were not that interested in reincarnation. Really, they weren’t. Eventually that changed and about half became more interested. Realize that there wasn’t much discussion about reincarnation publicly then. Yes, you had the New Age Movement, bringing to everyone’s attention such subjects - but not with experiencers. In the second half of my work, that subject came up more and more, especially during the large conferences IANDS had. I really can’t say if it was the media talking about this, speakers at conferences doing it - can’t really pinpoint what made the difference - but all of a sudden experiencers began to talk about past lives, some even future lives. And you started finding stories of past lives in with the stories about when they died. Today the subject is commonplace. Were people afraid to talk about this before (even though on the side they kinda always were)? Or, did interest in this type of thing actually influence such a phenomenon within the NDE itself????? Any one who says a flat yes or no - be careful of that answer. We cannot draw such a line as researchers. We can only tell you what we found during our work.
Is an NDE planned before birth?
Whoa! I cannot answer that as a researcher. There is no data to confirm yes or no. I suspect such a thing is possible, and might have indeed occurred. But……………..no one ever told me yes or no. I can only be personal here. In my own case, considering my life’s pattern, I can see the appropriateness of what happened to me, even the necessity. Did I plan this before in my growth? Possibly - because there is a definite pattern to my life and how it was necessary that I wipe up a lot of heavy karma, then enter the “world” of metaphysical/mystical to learn all that I could, teach what I learned, then create Idaho’s first non-profit metaphysical corporation called Inner Forum, which ran for seven years, then have everything crash with the rape that killed me followed by three NDES within a three-month period, later having a huge relapse - and having to relearn everything from scratch including how to walk/run/climb
stairs, tell the difference between left and right, relearn how to think, speak and on and on. What I did the following year (1978) was activate what I was told to do during my third NDE by The Voice Like None Other - do the research (which I began in 1978), and am still doing 44 years later.
So, if you look back on my life you certainly can see patterns, beginnings and endings, that led to a “possibly” pre-determined future. Did I plan this before my birth, this way, this pattern???? In my case, my NDE was certainly part of a plan. Mine? There is no hard or even leading evidence that could answer your question.
Blessings, PMH
Labels: NDE, past lives, planned births