Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Different Reactions to NDE's


“My landlord had an NDE on 3-17-2019.  Here is what happened.  She somehow cut her left inner thigh with a circular saw, cut the artery, but managed to put a tourniquet on it.  They say it was a miracle she is alive.  She lost 10 liters of blood.  They put 9 into her.  She woke up the next day in the hospital amongst the mountains.  Another time, she told me that ‘they said that heaven is here and now.’  I asked her what else and she said that she couldn’t tell me - you understand it as you experience it - something like that.  I asked her about all the other people’s NDEs and she said they are all bullshiht, even her own.  PMH, she seems like the complete opposite of you as a person who had an NDE, the aftereffects.  Yes, she is sensitive to light.  I’m looking forward to what you have to share, and whatever divinity puts on your consciousness.  Oh, while you’re at it, my 33rd birthday is April 7th, and it is also a super full moon.  Is there something special going on?”....Chuck


A super full moon on your birthday means energy that date will be bigger, more present and interesting than usual.  So, enjoy your day.  Energy has a way of going either really high on such a moon, or super low.  Do what you can to enjoy your day.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Not everyone is glad to have a near-death experience, and not everyone responds to such an event in a positive way.  A man I met in Mason, Georgia, big guy at a truck stop, said to me:  “I still drink and I still chase women, but I want you to know about what happened to me when I died.”  He told quite a story, lit up when he told me, yet he wasn’t about to change his life or his habits because of it.  Some people “hold tight” to what happened to them, lest it somehow fade.  Others are careful who they talk to, as if their experience was a secret.  Nor are they willing to take the time to process it, or even admit they had the experience to begin with.  I know in my own case, when I started to tell friends of mine about what happened to me, they were somewhat interested but they did not believe me.  I could tell.  So, I quit telling anyone.

The Voice Like None Other, in my third NDE, told me to do the research on the phenomenon, so I made sure that somehow that would happen.  Once moved to the Eastern part of the U.S., I did tell my story to colleges and community meetings, just to find other experiencers, yet, responses to my story frightened me.  Yup, people were so mesmerized, so excited and interested, even wishing something like that would happen to them, that I freaked out.  I felt as if I had somehow betrayed the work I was to do.  I did not want people to feel that they had to die to change their life for the better.  They could pray, meditate, get involved in metaphysical studies, and so forth.  The “adoration” people heaped upon me became such an issue that I quit telling my story altogether.  By then, my real work was in full swing, so I continued with that - doing the research, my job.  Been at it for over 44 years.  Nobody paid me a dime to do what I have or taught me anything.  I just followed guidance and did what I was led to do.  Keep in mind that I am a cop’s kid raised in a police station.  I used police investigative techniques as my protocol because I trust that method.  It works and it works without prejudice.  Thousands of people have benefitted from my work.   Guess I made the right decision.  Chuckle.  ~PMH
