Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Out of Body Experience


“I have followed you for a while now, especially after my ma died a few years ago.  I am 60 years old now, and work construction.  Recently, after a particularly grueling day at work, as I lay in bed, probably around 11 pm, I was feeling all the aches and pains and bruising on my body (as usual), but was just happy to not be working so hard and resting instead.  I gradually started to feel separate from the pain.  I could still feel the pain (in fact every little bit of it), but it was sort of reduced and separate from me.  At the same time I felt happy/euphoric, and for lack of better words HEALTHY.  At this time I felt as though I was rising upwards, and even though I rationed that at some point, as I would hit the ceiling or something, I just had the feeling of rising upwards as best I can describe it.  My best guess is that this lasted five minutes or so until I sort of ‘woke up.’  I still don’t know if it was a dream or real or a combination, but I do know that I tried unsuccessfully to return to that state that morning.  Just wondering what your thoughts would be on this.”....Dave


This is “classic” out-of-body sequences.

To my way of thinking you were starting to leave your body.  The “you” that leaves is the real YOU, your soul, your spirit, whatever you want to call it.  Irrespective of what you may want to call anything, it is the Real You that was taking charge, taking over, and showing you that the way you are living and the way you feel about how you are living. . . is not the real you nor your real life.  

There are a number of books out now about how to take an out-of-body trip, or just books about out-of-body experiences.  The majority are good - of course some are better than others.  I’ve recommended some of the good ones in various issues of my Free Monthly Newsletter “For The Curious.  If you haven’t been receiving it, you may want to get on my website at www.pmhatwater.com, scroll over to Newsletter, and sign up.  There is an Archive, so you can go back as far as you want and find some recommends.  I produce this newsletter simply because I want to.  I enjoy curious things and ideas, so I pursue them, and share my journeys and love of adventure with others.  Simple as that.  I used to teach people how to have OBEs decades ago.  Good skill to learn, plus, as you already know, life, your life, is much better than you think it is.  Once you begin to experience and realize how wonderful you are, you begin to seek out more, and that “more” enables you to discover how much you can do and learn and experience and know.

Enjoy what is happening to you.  It will get better eventually, and help you improve your life.  Blessings, PMH
