For the first time I am presenting the raw feelings of one who had a near-death experience and is still dealing with the aftereffects. Her full experience covers 18 pages - much too long for me to present here. But at least from this snippet you get the idea of how all-encompassing and life-changing an NDE can be.
Three years ago…..”Behold, the Kingdom of God is Within You. Ye are Gods.”
On March 8, 2015, I had a near-death experience. It appeared to begin the night before. . . Did God have a divine plan? I wonder, as I look back now a year later.
I was at a poker tournament with my boyfriend, at the final table (which I had been many times before). I mentioned to my boyfriend, something was up, I didn’t feel right. I was sweating, experiencing high anxiety feeling, shaking. It wasn’t nerves. I just said “I just don’t feel right.”
We went home. He fell asleep and as I cuddled up behind him spooning, I fell asleep in a dream so vivid, I woke up hysterically sobbing. It was Jesus SURRENDERED on the cross. The Romans crossed his ankles and were pounding a ROMAN STAKE through BOTH of his ankles on the cross. The excruciating pain I felt for him, I felt all his pain and suffering. I work up sobbing, sad, grief stricken that another human could possibly do this to another.
I was very shocked and confused at the vividness of this dream. I was hysterically sobbing…..3 am….boyfriend leaves to go to work an hour away where he lived.
12 pm…..girlfriend brings a newspaper article over on adoption laws that had changed. I had been adopted three times when I was younger. Last time I was adopted was in a time frame where you weren’t able to open any medical or family files. They had just changed the LAW and it was on the news - that now any of my biological family were required to register with the state and would have access to finding me. Tis seemed a little overwhelming.
My whole life seemed to be changing right before my eyes. It had been 50 years of living without them.
Didn’t even read the article. She just briefly mentioned what it was about and then we began talking of my childhood, and… began with chest pains. I was holding my chest for a while as we sat and talked. It felt like my heart had clamped down tight.
I began hyperventilating and my heart felt like it was popping out of my chest. All of a sudden I became weak and cold, said I need to lay down on floor. The feeling of tingles/needles went through my arms as I went numb and cold; felt like a car was sitting on my chest. I was uncontrollably shivering. She went to get me the heating blanket, propped my feet up with pillows as I laid SURRENDERED on the floor in a cross position.
I was screaming in pain from my chest. My girlfriend went to get my phone to call 911 and for some reason RIGHT THEN I KNEW THAT SOMETHING WAS HAPPENING, UNFOLDING, AND I HEARD A SOFT, INNER VOICE SAY “LAY THERE AND TAKE IT,” as I went in and out of consciousness and pain!
I went to grab the phone from her and I was PARALYZED. I couldn’t move and it really freaked me out. Shocked, all I could do is ‘lay there and take it.’
I seemed to have this ‘super’ awareness of everything within me and around me. I wondered “what’s happening” and I realized that I was RESISTING what was happening and if I continue to resist (which seemed to be what a heart attack was), I wasn’t getting off the floor.
She asked “Why don’t you want me to call the medics, why won’t you take care of yourself? (She knew that I wasn’t a fan of doctors, I’ve done everything naturally). As she kneeled down on the floor beside me, I said “Look at me,” because I knew I had to see her eyes for her to grant me my wish. I said “Can you be okay that NEITHER of us understand what is happening right now (not realizing SHE did), and just ALLOW it to UNFOLD.
As I began to feel this bliss and peace wash over me in such euphoric waves as nothing I had ever experienced before, I felt my clinging and grasping to the external world disappear. There was a deep surrender within me. I said to her “I am not afraid to die, just let me go.”
She reluctantly promised she wouldn’t call and proceeded to call my boyfriend instead. I can hear her talking to him in the next room as if I was standing right beside her, saying: “She’s white as a ghost. I’m losing her and I promised her I wouldn’t call the squad. Can you come?”
At this point, I am seeing memories of my life and having feelings and questions of HAVE I DONE EVERYTHING THAT I WANTED TO DO IN THIS LIFE? I had visions of my son and how he would respond to my death, as he was out on his own and just had his own son. I felt at PEACE with leaving them. I felt totally at peace with leaving this earth. In and out of the pain as waves of bliss and peace washed through me. It all seemed to be happening simultaneously. I was FULLY AWARE I seemed to be in 2 places at once, which was curious to me. Yet I WAS EVERYWHERE. I could see inside and outside of my house.
My girlfriend was rambling on, angrily. I just wanted her to leave me alone. I could FEEL EVERYTHING so intensely! I remember saying “Wow, I feel Jesus on the cross.” I remember my girlfriend yell at me and say I was talking crazy. . . I heard her say she needed to go home to take her blood pressure medicine as she laid the phone by my ear on a pillow with my boyfriend on the other line! I could hear him talking, but wasn’t sure if he could hear me, or if I was even speaking. . . I was AWARE of the pain at some moments and then there would be moments of bliss and peace wash over me and I could no longer feel in my body or pain!
I was curious about how I could see EVERYTHING as if I was “not in my body’ yet I could also hear everything and the pain would disappear.
This bliss and peace would wash over me as I would move in and out of consciousness; I was mesmerized by this. It was NOTHING I had ever experienced before. WOW, was this God? Was this me? What was this incredible, delightful bliss and peace? Then I was given ‘It’s me minus my conscious mind.” Ah-h-h-h-h, I just wanted to stay in this place. I thought, wow, this must be what drug users are trying to get to, this high, peace, euphoria, as I would move in and out of consciousness. I felt curious about that. . . Anne
Anne, your experience as you tell it, belongs to many. I can relate to most of it, personally, as I went through much of what you did and came out the other side “changed” in ways that duplicate yours. What differs between us is that during my third NDE, I was told by what I came to call The Voice Life None Other (my sense is that Voice was of God), that I was to do the research I do - one specific book for each death. Being a cop’s kid raised in a police station, I used police investigative techniques as my protocol.
The following year afterward, when I was reasonably “human” again (had dealt with the physical trauma that needed tending to), I began my research. That was 43 years ago. No one paid me a penny to do this, no assistance. I just went out and did what that Voice told me to do; 18 books later, and untold papers and articles finished, I can “hear” you and “know” you, and appreciate and love the blessing you are. ~PMH