Hypnosis to Remember Near-Death Experience
“Do you know if NDE experiencers have ever used hypnosis to help them relive their NDE experience? My NDE would have occurred when I was between 6 to 8 months of age in 1956. I was born December 20, 1955, and I have no concrete answers except for the aftereffects which are very pronounced and some fragmented memories. I’ve heard of forensic hypnosis and wondered why it wouldn’t help me to remember what I can’t. I live in Arizona. I’m traveling up to Idaho and will be in Rexburg on August 23rd [this was sent to me in 2019]. If you know of anyone there or have any connections there, let me know. Hope you have had experience with this.”....Babs
There are a number of experiencers who have used hypnosis to try and remember their near-death experience, especially those who had childhood episodes. If you read my first book on child experiencers, THE NEW CHILDREN AND NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES, you will come across several who did just that. However, they were not fully satisfied with the sessions they had or what was remembered. I’ve only heard of a few who ever were.
I suspect the challenge here is the type of hypnotist they went to. By that I mean the training and experience that hypnotist had had. You might be wise to check on any individual’s training, and make certain they are transpersonal hypnotherapists. If they are, they are well-trained in how to handle the spiritual side of things and are familiar with various types of altered dimensional states and the impact such can cause. Regular hypnotists have no real training in transpersonal states and are often lost working with such clients. Great or scary or unusual stories are one thing. Understanding them and how they may be impacting an individual’s life is quite another.
Since you had your experience when newly born, the impact it may have on you may well be beyond any hypnotist’s expertise or even your own sense of it. Please read The Forever Angels: Near-Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Effect. This book is a must for you as it covers such cases from birth to age five, alongwith the lifelong impact of such an experience when it occurred at such a young age. Children in this age group who have NDEs are not like any other near-death experiencer, nor are their aftereffects the same. The book clearly shows that most of us, the general public, even many researchers, are influenced by what I have learned to call “out-of-the-mouth-of-babes” syndrome. Most people are so enamored with the stories little kids say, so touched by them, that they fail to check up on the child years later…...how are they doing now, did their NDE have any affect on them, what was school like, were they able to bond with their parents, what about the many challenges of growing up, dating, training for jobs, marriage? Very few researchers do follow-ups with child experiencers - I mean thorough ones. This book does. I was startled by what I found, and so is everyone else who reads the book.
Have fun in Idaho. It’s been years since I’ve been back there. Sorry I cannot recommend professionals for you, except that you could contact ACISTE - American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences. They are a great group and may have some good suggestions. Contact them at www.aciste.org. The last address that I have for them is ACISTE, P. O. Box 834, Little Elm, TX 75068
What I miss about Idaho are the lava fields and cones, the deserts, and the canyons. The forest are great but my love is for the other features - especially canyon cliffs. Spent a lot of time hiking all over them when a kid. Blessings, PMH