"There is a closed Facebook NDE group that I was invited to join. We are such great support to each other. We have all been challenged by missing chunks of time during our waking state. Another common issue is that we feel like we are going to fall asleep and center an alpha state (or deeper), while watching our beta activities (waking state). The two issues do not occur at the same time, not that we are aware of anyway.".....Jan
I suspect two things are happening to all of you (us).
Number One - the earth's magnetics are now at their lowest ebb in thousands of years. Don't forget, we are presently in the time of The Great Shifting (happens once every 25,920 years). That means energy, frequency domains, weather, climate change, water resources, human relationships, children, travel, the ability to concentrate and remember, are being seriously challenged. There is no longer the buffer time once allowed, for us to think things through, find meaning, respond. It's as if everything happens at once (not literally, but almost). Near-death experiencers, and those like them, are super sensitive. We pick up any type of changes right away, and can zone out if there's too much to process. We're like the "canaries in the coal mine." We pick up changes before the larger portion of society does.
Number Two - experiencers seldom think about or feel any need to understand how they have changed or try to refine and train their new sensitivities. We ignore what we should pay attention to. I'd love to see every experiencer, especially children, take a psychic self-defense course, or something like it. We toodle along in our lives, relating here, acting out there, without the slightest notion that we are an "innocent ball of light" waiting to get stomped on. We've forgotten basic cautions or simply ignore them.
We all must have a sound diet, that means grounded foods (root vegetables), not just salads; and that also means either meat or all eight amino acids that make up a full protein. The smart know how to create that from the vegetable kingdom. The rest of us would be wise to learn how. Exercise. Exercise. Exercise. That means fresh air, doing chores, gardening, mending, walking, joining groups that have lively discussions, going out on field trips or nature walks. Check your hormones. If you continue to get regular zone-outs, have a checkup with your favorite energy practitioner. I have such a checkup for two hours each month, every month, year in and year out, with Jeanne Greening. She is incredible, and can work with energy non-locally. Her contact information is on my website in the Marketplace (press for "Healers"). My website is If not Jeanne, then someone else like her. .....Blessings, PMH