What Makes Near-Death States Unique
There is a growing selection of items now available over my Online Bookstore - www.pmhatwater.com. I will autograph whatever I can of your purchases. This is a new adventure for me, as I've never run a store like this in my life. I do enjoy doing it, as I am able to see your names and addresses and imagine your world and what is going on in your life. Each person is sooooooooo important. Really, it is a privilege to serve you.
Have a most blessed Christmas and New Years, each and every one of you!
"My name is Leonardo and I'm 31 years old. I am a electrical engineer and I live in South America. First of all, please forgive my mispells. I am a little rusty in English. I am not sure if you will even answer my question, but anyways here it goes.
"When we sleep, we seem to loose track of time. Hours go by in seconds and sometimes the contrary. How can you be sure that the near-death experience does not happen in the few seconds before the brain loses total consciousness and goes flat-lined?
"I study electronics and technology every day, and I am sure that an instrument that monitors what is happening in thought and what time they are occurring, doesn't exist. Please explain this to me.".....Leonardo
Leonardo, there is no way I can explain all of this to you in a simple e-mail. There are not enough hours in the day to do this. Please, if you can, get ahold of my books - especially the new one that came out in October. It is called "The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences." It is now available on www.amazon.com and over my website at www.pmhatwater.com. Any question you have about the near-death experience is answered in this book. I call your attention to Chapters 12-13-14 as they deal with the brain and the various research projects worldwide in trying to understand causal possibilities.
Unlike dreams, the near-death experience is a complete dynamic that is not easily explained nor understood. We actually know more about what doesn't cause it, than what does. Near-death states are unique in how clear and coherent they are, and how detailed and involved. They remain that way overtime, even throughout the experiencer's lifetime. They follow a distinct patterning (scenario) that often features details and revelations the experiencer could not possibly have known, which are later verified in third-party verifications. The out-of-body component to the experience is the easiest to check out: and, indeed, the vast majority of them do.
The pattern of aftereffects is as much physiological as psychological. No research on dreams or hallucinations has ever shown or verified such a pattern of aftereffects as what occurs with genuine near-death experiences. The fact that these states are typically life-changing for people makes a very strong case that these states are not part of anything like a dream, hallucination, or the process of flat-lining at death. They are something else - deeper, far more profound, changing the person's body and mind as well as his or her lifestyle, beliefs, ideas about the world, behavior, and sometimes even their looks (before and after photographs can differ somewhat).
There has been enough research now, specifically clinical prospective studies done in three countries, to confirm that the near-death phenomenon is absolutely real and experienced by millions of people at any age, anywhere. The type of research you prefer is laid out in my books. Please get a copy of "The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences." It will help you to better understand the impact of this incredible dynamic. PMH
Labels: NDEs, Near-Death Experience, Near-Death States