Monday, May 09, 2022

Truth becomes What is True for You…


“I’m wondering about why Near-Death Experiences often have contradictory messages.  I have been looking for books/information about this for some time, but there aren’t any!   While there are plenty of books written by researchers who show patterns and consistencies in NDEs, the elephant in the room (inconsistencies) is never addressed.  Here are some examples:

—People who have experiences with Jesus and his crucifixion vs. people who are told by the Light/Beings that religion is man-made, at best distorted with many falsities.

__People who report being told there is no heaven or hell vs. people who experience heaven and/or hell.

__Strange Black Hole experiences where souls combine into a unity with no God present vs. experiencing a Creator with a personality.

__People who experience punishing demons vs. people who say there is no such thing.

“Also, are there any red flags to look for, in your opinion, that someone is making things up.  For example, I read an NDE book where the experiences claimed that god doesn’t care about anything except experiencing as many situations since (through his creations) as he can for the fun of it.

“Being a researcher yourself, and knowing some of the most famous and credible researchers in the field, not to mention your own extensive experience, do you have any information, thoughts, opinions, book recommendations, or interpretations?  I would greatly appreciate any guidance.  Thank you”....Kasha


Kasha, the only constant consistency in near-death cases concerns patterns of the experience itself - who/what/where/when/how.  There is a connection, though, between the person’s previous beliefs and the way they choose to describe things.  You can plainly see this through the language people use, how they describe things.

One thing everyone needs to face:  a near-death experience will in some way match what that person needs to experience.  Some come back feeling they were shown how everything works, the truth of creation.  Well, maybe.  Then you will notice others who counter what was offered, as if there are multiple “truths,” depending on what any given individual needs to know at any given time.

Read my article entitled: Is There a Hell?. Notice that there is no forever heaven as there is no forever hell in the thousands of cases I have researched.  We seem to get or experience what we most need to face.  You see this in experience types, over and over again.  You get what you need.  Near-death experiences offer a “wake-up” call to every single experiencer plus those who are moved by them.  In these experiences we meet our deepest self and our truest truth.  For many, we also experience greater truths and greater realities.  Above and beyond what even imagination can reveal.  There is no “final, this is the way it is” scenario.

Each individual faces what is best for them at that moment in time.  There’s more.  No matter who or how grand the vision. . . there’s more, and more still.

Some experiencers, like Walter Russell, go through multiple scenarios (for him, once every 7 years until adulthood) - that threaten modern science and in fact reveal a greater science and a greater truth that we all can learn from.  Cases like his amaze everyone and are continuously studied, even yet.  Some cases rattle our sense of truth, forcing each and everyone of us to realize there is far more to this wonderful world of ours than anyone could ever suppose - even the greatest minds.

God?  Clearly, the vast majority return knowing, absolutely knowing that God exists - maybe not as a being of any kind - but rather an intelligence, perhaps a presence - an isness.  No bible, no scripture, no church, no religion could ever describe that isness, that greatness.  Not possible.  Words don’t apply.  How can anyone describe what cannot be described?  That’s why we have so many attempts to answer life’s deepest questions. . . and wind up with opinions instead of facts, memories instead of realities.

Truth becomes what is true for you at each moment you experience it.  No one can deny or affirm such a truth.  We can only examine what comes after - the aftereffects - and how that individual lives afterward.  Truth that is worthy and real is in the aftereffects and how that orders your mind and your life.  This is truth. . . made manifest.

Hope this helps.  Oh, by the way, look around the Charts section on my website, you will find all kinds of topics that reveal what I found during the many years I have been researching near-death states.  Especially look for the chart entitled “COMMON TRAITS OF A NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCER AFTERWARDS,” with the added note:  Wake up psychologists and psychiatrists—this is true for millions of people.  PMH