Monday, September 07, 2020

HERE AND NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

This September 2020 Q&A Blog (#211!) is different.  There have been so many people asking me what’s going on in the world now, that I have decided to devote an entire blog post to “Here and Now,” “Who You Are,” and “What We Can Learn from Near-Death Experiences.”  Blessings to all, PMH Atwater

Using the astrological chart of our nation, in 2022 we (meaning all of us Americans, our Congress, our Nation) are experiencing a Pluto Return.  The orb of Pluto is much too long for humans to experience during their lifetime, but nation’s can and we are.  Because of the power of Pluto and the way it challenges us, please know that the Pluto Return actually lasts from 2020 (now) to 2024 (ahead of us).  Interestingly enough, though, that covers our next Presidential Term of Office, not just the election.  

Under any type of encounter with Pluto, anything hidden is revealed!  You could compare Pluto energy to Scorpio energy.  There is no such thing as a “middle” with Pluto.  Either it’s very good or very awful---but no middle.  Pluto is the transformer.  Not just a change agent but a “down-to-your-toes-and-including-your-toenails” TRANSFORMER!

Nothing stays the same under this type of energy/scrutiny/challenge/smash.  Nothing, and no one.  Whoever wins this election in our country, loses.  Doesn’t matter Bidden or Trump.  What is really happening here is that the underscore of our nation, the true underground/anything undone, missed, or ignored is surfacing.  Because of the power of the way Pluto is hitting us (all of us) our entire planet is being similarly “cleansed.”  Doesn’t matter how positive you are or how negative.  Our planet, the world’s people, everyone’s soil/plants/growing things - everything - and doubly our nation, everyone’s nation, is, and will continue to go through a universal ringer the likes of which we have not seen before.  Last time this type of thing happened and to this degree and involving the planet as it is, was 25,920 years ago.  That’s because this is not just another cyclic change.  It is the turning of the Cosmic Clock (not just a cycle no matter how large).  

This particular “turn” into the greater threshold began (the great changing or shift) in the fall of 2007.  Look back and see what happened then.  January 12th this year “announced” that we’re now fully here.  This truly is it.  We must now live what we know to be true.  

As this is all happening, the Age of Pisces is leaving.  No, it isn’t fully gone yet.  The Age of Aquarius is coming in.  Not fully here yet either, but ready to begin its “reign.”  What we are living in, then, is an OVERLAP.  Both ages are here, stacked one atop the other.  That’s why everything is peaking, why challenges appear overwhelming.  Energy now is RADICAL.  We’re getting both Ages at the same time.  Suicides among children and young people are beginning to peak.  This bothers me.  I know it is because we are deprived of socialization, but somehow we must find a way to help our children handle life in a new way.  We can and we will.

Welcome to THE GREAT SHIFTING.  How do we handle it?  We live what we know to be true!  If you do not have a source of regular, dependable spiritual upliftment, find one.  Whether prayer, “virtual” church services, meditation, spiritual encouragement, positive stories that uplift (like near-death cases), family bonding, pets, gardens, helping others, volunteering, music, art, zoom chats with people you can trust who live what they know to be true in the highest fashion of love and joy, whatever you find that speaks to your heart - stay there or go there often.  If you haven’t learned yet how to bake bread, do that.  You can’t fool yeast.  Only what is ready will rise!!!!!!!!!!!!  Life is wondrous.  Live yours accordingly.  Live the real you, who you are.


In the Bible it says: 


“Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?” John 10:34.  “I have said, ye are gods, and all of you are children of  the most high.”  Psalm 82:6

Most people who undergo a spiritual transformation, near-death experience, Kundalini breakthrough, mystical union, even in prayer or a sudden illumination, come to realize the truth of this.  You can too.  Begin NOW.  No matter where you are in your life, who you are, the conditions that surround you, your health…..NOW is your key so begin.  One way you  can do this is by reading then following the suggestions in the Manual highlighted below  No, this is not some “new age” manual.  This one is for today, every day, every year, everyone.  Begin with……………..


In olden times “hu” was considered to be the sound of God.  “Hu-man” meant God-Man, God-Woman.  This is literal.  You are of God, in God, with God, as God, from God - because - you are a god in the making just by being who you are.  The Manual shows you how.  It is written in a Fifth-Dimensional Format - in six sections.  Each one contains conscious (left-brain), subconscious (right brain), and superconscious (whole brain/spiritual) ways and means.  All simple, and with thoughtform drawings.  This Manual was revealed to me during my third near-death experience by The Voice Like None Other.  When it came time to actually write it, that Voice showed me how (no channeling occurred).  

Who you are, being that, is how you live and thrive from now on.



The truisms that follow came from over 43 years of near-death research with both adults and children.

Death does not end life.

Only the scenery changes at death.

Many see departed loved ones, pets, birds, angels.

Light can predominate:  

white/bright, dark/black, or a power beyond

light that is impossible to describe.

We are all more capable/smarter 

than we think we are.

Mind is endless - only thoughts limit.

Everyone is psychic, creative, inventive, loved.

Life is worth its living.

There is a Central Source of Existence.  

Some call this God, Allah, or

Hundreds Of Other Names For Deity.

All healing is based on the willingness to change.

So is forgiveness.

Prayer is real and it works.

Children see prayer as a bright 

or rainbow-banded light that passes

from sender to receiver.

Love is the only standard that exists.

Choice is the only process.

In these strange times, know that you have a purpose, and that you are loved.  PMH

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